Melrose Teacher Action Research Research Question Revision Action Plan Development
Find someone who…..
Plan for the Session 2:45-3:30 Revising the research question 3:30-4:00 Journeying down the Yellow Brick Road 4:00-4:45 Developing an action plan Objectives Revise your research question Deepen your understanding of the action research process Develop a draft of an action plan for your project Agenda
Research Question Feedback Write your research question in the top box. Review the criteria for a good research question. Circulate your questions to deliver feedback on your colleagues’ questions. Take 5-10 minutes to review your feedback and make revisions
Snow in the Poppy Field Snowball- write ONE question (or excerpt and page number) on a piece of paper. Crumple the paper and toss it in the middle of the table! Select a snowball, read it aloud - volunteers pose other questions.
The Wizard's Last Word Select ONE quote (and page number) that resonated with you. Groups will run the “Save the Last Word for ME” protocol.
Seek Knowledge What have you learned so far? Who else can you consult? How will you begin your search for information? How will you organize your information?
Summarize Your Learning Here is a brief example of a summary of research. The professional development materials available provide numerous strategies for teaching primary students how to read nonfiction texts. Explicit and guided strategy instruction, numerous opportunities for engagement, and a variety of leveled texts are discussed by McLaughlin her book, Guided Comprehension in the Primary Grades. Direct instruction in specific strategies such as questioning and summarizing will directly impact students’ comprehension of nonfiction texts.
Developing the Action Plan Who will participate in the research? What will happen with the participants? How will the research by conducted, and what will be the specific sequence of actions? When will the research be conducted, and how might it unfold or change over time?
Anticipate Obstacles What could interfere with your plan? What will you do to avoid these obstacles? Identify possible changes in your teaching which might help resolve issues. What CONTROL do you have to solve the problem? How do you know that your action plan can resolve the problem/get the best results?
Action Research Plan
Action research checklist 3 Action Research Checklist 3: Planning for Action Research ☐ Identify several possible topics for action research and evaluate them for viability as action research projects against the various preliminary considerations. ☐ Using one of your identified topics, engage in reconnaissance to gain insight into your action research topic. ☐ Using ERIC, Google Scholar, or other databases, find several sources of published literature related to your topic; identify each as either a primary or secondary source. ☐ Develop an outline for summarizing the literature related to your topic. ☐ Determine if you need to add more resources to your review of literature.
For Next Time….. Refine your research question. It should be getting close to final. Bring a 50 word summary of your research on your question. Bring your draft action plan. Read Chapter 11, page