Vietnamese Boat People By Nathan Tirpak & Mitch Hornick
Who were the Boat People? Boat people were immigrants from Vietnam, who emigrate in numbers in boats. They were fleeing Vietnam because of the control it was under after the war. They were also Chinese people that lived in Vietnam, that thought the new government was targeting them.
How did they arrive? The boat people used many different ways to leave their country. Many families got split up because they had to separate to travel. They got rescued by the U.S Navy, and other sea passers.
What was the trip like? The trip was very scary and frustrating for the boat people. During their trip they got robbed, raped, and killed by the pirates. Some of their boats broke, halfway through the trip. They were finally rescued and brought to safety.
What did they use for boats? They were old, and crudely made sometimes, making them unseaworthy and unsafe. They made the boats out of anything they could find, such as wood, and tents. The boats usually sunk, or got destroyed by the extreme weather, and huge waves.
Why were they leaving Vietnam? They were leaving Vietnam during the war. They left because they did not like the government they were under. A lot of Vietnamese people were getting killed such as children, and females. They left on a voyage looking to find a new life, and start over.
What were their expectations? They first wanted to be successful of getting away from Vietnam. Second they wanted to make it to a new country to find prosperity. When they got to a new country they hoped to get new jobs, and be able to have a better life.
What did they do when they arrived? Well they didn’t actually arrive how they wanted to. Halfway through their trips their boats got destroyed and they had to be rescued by the U.S. Navy. They did domestic work to try to start a new life.
How were they rescued? They were mostly rescued by the U.S. Navy. They were also rescued by other sailors, such as fishermen that passed by them. When the U.S. Navy rescued the boat people they usually rescued with submarine boats.
Where are they now? At first they had to go back to Vietnam because other countries could not afford them. About 2,500 of them were granted the right of adobe by the Hong Kong government in In 2005, the remaining refugees in the Philippines were granted asylum in Canada, Norway, an the United States.
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