Mr. Biro
Table of Contents Pop Quiz Pop Quiz Pop Quiz Answers Pop Quiz Answers Assignment During Cat Dissection Assignment During Cat Dissection Assignment After Cat Dissection Assignment After Cat Dissection Comparing Humans to Cats Comparing Humans to Cats Tests and Quizzes Tests and Quizzes How Do You Turn in Your Project? How Do You Turn in Your Project? Timeline Timeline Portions to be Graded Portions to be Graded PowerPoint Design Rubric PowerPoint Design Rubric PowerPoint Content Rubric PowerPoint Content Rubric Possible Project Points Possible Project Points
Pop Quiz Take out a piece of paper and write down the names of the 10 labeled cat muscles.
Pop Quiz Answers Were you able to identify any of the cat muscles? Well, if you could not you will be able to identify these 10 muscles and 40 more by the time you complete the dissection of your cat. Here are the answers:
Assignment During Cat Dissection You and your lab partners will completely dissect your cat so that all the assigned muscles, blood vessels and major organs are identifiable. Your lab group will find and memorize all the assigned muscles, blood vessels, and organs within your cat. During dissection your lab group will take digital pictures of all of the assigned muscles, blood vessels and organs. A piece of paper with your cat’s name on it must be present in each photo.
Assignment After Cat Dissection Your lab group will create a PowerPoint presentation that shows every stage of your dissection of the cat using the photos taken during dissection. The photos need to be clearly labeled so that each assigned muscle, blood vessel and major organ of the cat is correctly identified. Your lab group will write a paragraph for each major organ explaining its function. If the function of an organ is different in the cat compared to the human, you must explain the difference. Link each organ to its description.
Comparing Humans to Cats You are to include at least two slides answering the following question in detail: What are some similarities and differences between human anatomy and cat anatomy? (You must list at least 5.) Make sure you include examples of organs, muscles and blood vessels
Tests and Quizzes There will be a quiz after each section of the cat. Each person in your group must be able to identify all the muscle, organs or blood vessels before moving on to the next section of the cat. Your final exam will be a lab practical that will cover all the assigned muscles, blood vessels and organs of the cat.
Timeline You have five weeks to complete this project. Days 1 and 2: Skin the cat. Days 3-6: Find, label and take pictures of the hind limb muscles. Must pass quiz before moving on to the next group of muscles. Days 7- 9: Find, label and take pictures of the ventral thoracic and neck muscles. Must pass quiz before moving on to the next group of muscles. Days 10-11: Find, label and take pictures of the dorsal thoracic and neck muscles. Must pass quiz before moving on to the next group of muscles.
Timeline Days 12-14: Find, label and take pictures of the forelimb muscles. Must pass quiz before moving on to the major organs. Days 15 and 16: Cut open the thoracic and abdominal cavities of the cat. Label and take pictures of the major organs of the cat. Must pass quiz before moving on to the blood vessels. Days 17-19: Find, label and take pictures of the major blood vessels of the cat. Days 20-24: Create a PowerPoint presentation at the computer lab Day 25: Present and turn in projects
Your Total Grade for the Cat Dissection Will Constitute: Participating in the cat dissection Each day you will awarded 1 point for participation Passing all of the section quizzes Each Quiz is worth 10 pts A completed PowerPoint presentation Final exam that covers all of the assigned muscles, blood vessels and organs of the cat
PowerPoint Design Rubric CATEGORY4321 Buttons and Links Work Correctly All buttons and links work correctly. Most (99-90%) buttons and links work correctly Many (89-75%) of the buttons and links work correctly. Fewer than 75% of the buttons work correctly. BackgroundBackground does not detract from text or other graphics. Choice of background is consistent from card to card. Background does not detract from text or other graphics. Choice of background is fairly consistent from card to card. Background does not detract from text or other graphics. Background makes it difficult to see text or competes with other graphics on the page. OriginalityPresentation shows considerable originality and inventiveness. The content and ideas are presented in a unique and interesting way. Presentation shows some originality and inventiveness. The content and ideas are presented in an interesting way. Presentation shows an attempt at originality and inventiveness on 1-2 cards. Presentation is a rehash of other people's ideas and/or graphics and shows very little attempt at original thought. Text - Font Choice & Formatting Font formats have been carefully planned to enhance readability and content. Font formats have been carefully planned to enhance readability. Font formatting has been carefully planned to complement the content. It may be a little hard to read. Font formatting makes it very difficult to read the material. Sequencing of Information Information is organized in a clear, logical way. It is easy to anticipate the type of material that might be on the next card. Most information is organized in a clear, logical way. One card or item of information seems out of place. Some information is logically sequenced. An occasional card or item of information seems out of place. There is no clear plan for the organization of information. Digital Camera UsePicture is of high quality. The main subject is in focus and centered Picture is of good quality. The main subject is not quite in focus, but is it is clear what the picture is about. The pictures are of marginal quality. The subject is in focus but it is not clear what the picture is about. No picture taken OR picture of poor quality.
PowerPoint Content Rubric CATEGORY Cat MusclesAll of the muscles are correctly and clearly labeled, spelled correctly. Most (90-99%) of the muscles are correctly and clearly labeled, and spelled correctly. Many (89-75%) of the muscles are correctly and clearly labeled, and spelled correctly. Fewer than 75% of the muscles are correctly and clearly labeled, and spelled incorrectly. Cat Blood VesselsAll of the blood vessels are correctly and clearly labeled, and spelled correctly. Most (90-99%) of the blood vessels are correctly and clearly labeled, and spelled correctly. Many (89-75%) of the blood vessels are correctly and clearly labeled, and spelled correctly. Fewer than 75% of the blood vessels are correctly and clearly labeled, and spelled incorrectly. Cat OrgansAll of the organs are correctly and clearly labeled, and spelled correctly. Most (90-99%) of the organs are correctly and clearly labeled, and spelled correctly. Many (89-75%) of the organs are correctly and clearly labeled, and spelled correctly. Fewer than 75% of the organs are correctly and clearly labeled, and spelled incorrectly. Cat Organ DescriptionAll of the organs are accurately described in detail. All of the organs are accurately described, but some of the detail is lacking. A few organs are missing and/or not described accurately. Some of the detail is lacking. Many organs are missing and/or not described accurately. Most of the detail is missing. Comparing humans and Cats The comparison is accurate and detailed. The comparison is accurate, but a few details are missing. The comparison has some mistakes and some of the details are missing The comparison is mostly wrong and there is very little detail.
Possible Project Points PowerPoint Design = 25 pts. (1 point for turning it in) PowerPoint Content = 100 pts. Participation = 25 pts. Quizzes = 60 pts. (a total of 6 quizzes) Final Exam = 100 pts. Total Points = 310 pts.