High quality video in every desktop Improve the meeting room experience Embrace and Lead Interoperability
RTVideo H.264 H.323 SIP/TLS Gateway Other Lync Registration, call routing, presence RTVideo SIP/TLS
RTVideo H.264 H.323 SIP/TLS Gateway Other Lync Registration, call routing, presence RTVideo SIP/TLS Something is missing here… What is it? That’s right, no HW MCU!!!
RTVideo H.264 H.323 SIP/TLS Gateway Other Lync Registration, call routing, presence RTVideo SIP/TLS HW MCU
iVIEW SCOPIA Elite MCU SCOPIA Video Gateway RADVISION XT1000 Lync Clients Tandberg C20Polycom HDX 4000 RADVISION VC240 Cisco CTS 3000 RADVISION TP LifeSize Room 200
OIP qualified IP-PBX PBX end-points OCS pool OCS end-points Mediation Server Media Signaling
OIP qualified IP-PBX capable of bypass PBX end-points Lync pool with MS role Lync end-points Media Signaling
HQ Site Mediation Cisco phone Lync Endpoint Gateway CUCM (MTP) G.711 Lync (w/ Mediation Service)
CUCM (MTP) Lync Mediation PSTN PBX Endpoint Lync Endpoint Lync Endpoint Gateway WAN Cisco phone ISR (MTP) G.711 HQ Site Atlanta Branch
CUCM (MTP) Lync Mediation PSTN PBX Endpoint Lync Endpoint Lync Endpoint Gateway WAN Cisco phone ISR (MTP) G.711 Call stays up HQ Site Atlanta Branch
CUCM (MTP) Lync PSTN PBX Endpoint Lync client Lync client Gateway Cisco phone ISR (MTP) WAN G.711 Mediation RT Audio Narrowband HQ Site Atlanta Branch
CUCM (MTP) Lync Mediation PSTN PBX Endpoint Lync Endpoint Lync Endpoint Gateway WAN PBX Endpoint ISR (MTP) G.711 Lync SBA HQ Site Atlanta Branch
thank you – any questions?
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# Create Trunk Configuration New-CsTrunkConfiguration -Identity 'Service:PstnGateway:cucm41.contoso.com' -ConcentratedTopology $true -Description 'CUCM 4 at London Site' -EnableBypass $true -EnableReferSupport $false -EnableSessionTimer $true - EnableSignalBoost $false -RTCPActiveCalls $false -RTCPCallsOnHold $false -SRTPMode 'NotSupported' # Create Translation Rules for Outgoing Calls New-CsOutboundTranslationRule -Identity 'Service:PstnGateway:cucm41.contoso.com/3 Digit Numbers to CUCM Dialable' -Description 'Convert E164 to CUCM 3 Digit Format' -Pattern '^\+(\d{3})$' -Translation '$1' -Priority 1 New-CsOutboundTranslationRule -Identity 'Service:PstnGateway:cucm41.contoso.com/UK Numbers to CUCM Dialable' -Description 'Convert E164 to CUCM National Digit Format' -Pattern '^\+44(\d+)$' -Translation '0$1' -Priority 2 New-CsOutboundTranslationRule -Identity 'Service:PstnGateway:cucm41.contoso.com/International Numbers to CUCM Dialable' -Description 'Convert E164 to CUCM International Digit Format' -Pattern '^\+(\d*)$' -Translation '00$1' - Priority 3 New-CsOutboundTranslationRule -Identity 'Service:PstnGateway:cucm41.contoso.com/Extension to CUCM Dialable' -Description 'Convert E164 to CUCM Extension Digit Format' -Pattern '^\ (8\d\d\d)$' -Translation '$1' - Priority 0 # Create PSTN Usage Set-CsPstnUsage -Identity global Calls'} # Create Voice Route New-CsVoiceRoute -Name 'All Calls' -Description 'Route all calls via the CUCM4 in London' -NumberPattern '^\+' -Priority 0 Calls'} # Create Voice Policy New-CsVoicePolicy -Identity 'Site:London' -AllowCallForwarding $true -AllowPSTNReRouting $true -AllowSimulRing $true -Description 'Policy for all London Users' -EnableBWPolicyOverride $false -EnableCallPark $true - EnableCallTransfer $true -EnableDelegation $true -EnableMaliciousCallTracing $true -EnableTeamCall $true -PreventPSTNTollBypass $false Calls'} # Create Dial Plan for London Site New-CsDialPlan -Identity 'Site:London' -SimpleName LondonSiteDialPlan # Create Normalization Rules for users in the London Site New-CsVoiceNormalizationRule -Identity 'Site:London/UK' -Pattern '^9?0(\d*)$' -Translation '+44$1' -Description 'Convert UK Numbers to E164' -IsInternalExtension $false -Priority 1 New-CsVoiceNormalizationRule -Identity 'Site:London/International' -Pattern '^9?00(\d*)$' -Translation '+$1' -Description 'Convert International Numbers to E164' -IsInternalExtension $false -Priority 2 New-CsVoiceNormalizationRule -Identity 'Site:London/CUCM4Exts' -Pattern '^(8\d\d\d)$' -Translation ' $1' -Description 'Convert International Numbers to E164' -IsInternalExtension $false -Priority 0 # Remove default Normilization Rule for London Site Remove-CsVoiceNormalizationRule -Identity 'Site:London/Prefix All' # Create Dial Plan for CUCM 4 New-CsDialPlan -Identity 'Service:PstnGateway:cucm41.contoso.com' -SimpleName CUCM4SiteDialPlan # Create Normalization Rules for inbound calls for CUCM 4 New-CsVoiceNormalizationRule -Identity 'Service:PstnGateway:cucm41.contoso.com/UK' -Pattern '^9?0(\d*)$' -Translation '+44$1' -Description 'Convert UK Numbers to E164' -IsInternalExtension $false -Priority 1 New-CsVoiceNormalizationRule -Identity 'Service:PstnGateway:cucm41.contoso.com/International' -Pattern '^9?00(\d*)$' -Translation '+$1' -Description 'Convert International Numbers to E164' -IsInternalExtension $false -Priority 2 New-CsVoiceNormalizationRule -Identity 'Service:PstnGateway:cucm41.contoso.com/CUCM4Exts' -Pattern '^(8\d\d\d)$' -Translation ' $1' -Description 'Convert International Numbers to E164' -IsInternalExtension $false - Priority 0 # Remove default Normilization Rule for CUCM 4 Policy Remove-CsVoiceNormalizationRule -Identity 'Service:PstnGateway:cucm41.contoso.com/Prefix All' # Configure User to enabled for EV and set Line URI Set-CsUser -Identity 'contoso\adamg' -EnterpriseVoiceEnabled $true -LineURI 'tel: '
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