New York State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance Bureau of Employment and Advancement Services Presenter: Mark Schaffer April 2011
To enhance the economic security of low- income working families To assist work-capable public assistance recipients in achieving entry into the workforce To assist individuals with priority needs other than work-readiness in accessing appropriate benefits and services To enhance child well-being and reduce child poverty
Earned Income Tax Credit Other Tax Credits Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Work Supports MyBenefits Partnerships
Statistics Noncustodial EITC EITC Qualifying Limits EITC Maximum Credits Miscellaneous EITC Facts Claiming the EITC
Nationwide EITC: 26 million households claimed $57,000,000,000 in Federal EITC NYS: 1.6 million households claimed $3.5B in Federal EITC and over $800M in NYS EITC
Qualifying ChildrenIncome No Qualifying Children$13,660 ($18,740 MFJ) 1 Qualifying Child$36,052 ($40,964 MFJ) 2 Qualifying Children$40,964 ($46,044 MFJ) 3 or more Qualifying Children$43,998 ($49,078 MFJ)
Qualifying ChildrenMaximum EITC Amount No Qualifying Children$603 1 Qualifying Child$4,022 2 Qualifying Children$6,645 3 or more Qualifying Children$7,476
Individuals who earn $8 to $10 an hour OR Households whose income is between $13,000 and $20,000 per year Are usually eligible for the maximum EITC
EITC will not impact TANF and FS benefits Grandparents with earned income can claim EITC on behalf of their grandchildren EITC may be claimed retroactively
To claim the EITC, a tax return MUST BE FILED!!! Volunteer Income Tax Assistance
Provide free income tax preparation and filing services by trained volunteers Available to households with income up to $49,000 VITA sites are located in every county in NY Call the IRS at for a VITA site near you or the Information Line
Free tax preparation saves each tax payer at least $150- No “Refund Anticipation Loans” Only 2% of returns which claim EITC are filed at a VITA site
Child Tax Credit Empire State Child Credit Education Credits Federal and State Dependent Care Credit
10 th Year Anniversary 22 LDSS VITA sites in TY ‘09 Over 200 volunteers 7,195 returns University partnerships
Goals of WorkPays NY What supports are available? Work Supports Marketing Campaign WorkPays NY Materials myBenefits How you can help
To share information on work support programs and other economic resources which can be leveraged to increase the income of working families struggling to make ends meet To introduce the myBenefits website:
Food Stamps Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) EITC (Federal and State) Other Tax Credits Health Insurance Child Care Subsidy Child Support Others
19 New York State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance Earnings and Average Work Supports for Single-Adult Family of Three Living outside NYC (One Child Under Four, One Child Over Four)
A large number of eligible working New Yorkers do not claim EITC Many eligible working poor are not accessing Food Stamps Trend continues with public health insurance programs
Complex program eligibility requirements Lack of information about available benefits Limited access points Stigma Others
Outreach to New Yorkers who struggle to make ends meet Networking with community service providers and multi-level government agencies Connecting with business community
FREE Materials: myBenefits palm card WorkPays NY Flyer (Eng/Sp) WorkPays NY Posters (Eng/Sp) WorkPays NY Resource Guide/Checklist Employer Resource Guide WorkPays NY video Place orders online at:
Information on major programs Links to OTDA’s Resources for Working Families and the Department of Labor Multi-program screening tool for potential eligibility Will be expanded to allow users to apply for multiple programs
Quick, easy, confidential Users input minimal household information Results show potential eligibility for multiple programs, where to apply, what to bring, and provides a printable FS app.
Nutrition Programs Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) Tax Credits Health Programs Temporary Assistance
In many counties in New York State, people can now apply online for food stamps using the food stamp electronic application!
Promote economic supports with people served by your organization and other partners Dispel myths and help reduce stigma Utilize myBenefits and provide access to internet for screening Add link to your agency’s website Include information in your newsletters Disseminate WorkPays NY materials
myBenefits website Resources for Working Families VITA sites statewide credits/vita Access NYC The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
Internal Revenue Service United Way and the CA$H Coalitions
Stephanie Boshart Director, Jobs Program Mark Schaffer EITC/VITA Statewide Coordinator