Woodrow Wilson Student Mr. Szaro President PowerPoint Project
Introduction. Woodrow Wilson. 28 th President. Best known for committing the United States to World War I. We won World War I during his Presidency. His real name was Thomas Woodrow Wilson, but he dropped his first name.
Overview of Early Life. Born on December 28, In Staunton, Virginia. During the Pre Civil War. He grew up in Georgia and South Carolina. His parents were Joseph R. and Janet Woodrow Wilson. He had a younger brother, Joseph. He had two older sisters, Marion and Annie. He had a childhood disability. When he was one his family moved to Augusta, Georgia.
Overview of Family Life. He was married twice. First in Savannah, Georgia on June 24 th, 1885 to Edith Bolling Galt. Second in the White House on December 18 th, 1915 to Ellen Louise Axson. His first wife died in the White House. Edith is a direct descendant of Pocahontas and John Rolfe.
Overview of Education & Career. He was a college professor, the Governor of New Jersey, and then the President of the United States. He went to Princeton University and he studied law.
Important Events & Issues When Growing Up. He did not fight in any wars. The Civil War and Spanish America were going on when he was growing up. Theodore Roosevelt influenced him. Abraham Lincoln was one of the important Presidents while he was growing up.
Overview of Presidency. He ran for President from New Jersey in He was President from He ran twice and was elected twice. His Vice-President was Thomas R. Marshall. He was a member of the Democrat Party. World War I went on while he was President.
Overview of Presidency pt. 2 He ran against Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and Eugene Victor Debs in He ran against Charles Evans Hughes in Other important leaders that he worked with were: Secretary Robert Lancing- Secretary of State , William Jennings Bryan- Secretary of State
Major Presidential Accomplishments. While he was President we won World War I. He won the Noble Peace Prize. He issued the Fourteen Points, worked on forming the League of Nations, and signed the Treaty of Versailles. He wrote the book On Being Human. His image is on the $100,000 dollar bill, although it is no longer in circulation.
Overview of His Later Life. He suffered a stroke while he was still President. After leaving office, he died later on in Warren Gamaliel Harding was President after him.
Conclusion. Woodrow Wilson worked hard during World War I, and we ended up winning it. He was a smart man with a lot of drive. I would still like to live in present day time.
Bibliography. Books. Durant, John and Alice Durant. Pictorial History of American Presidents. New York: A. S. Barnes and Company, Ling, Dr. Peter J. The Democratic Party. San Diego: Thunder Bay Press, Ross, George E. Know Your Presidents And Their Wives. Chicago: Rand McNally & Company, 1963 Sauer, Patrick. The Complete Idiot’s Guide to the American Presidents. Indianapolis: alpha books, Sullivan, George. Mr. President. New York: Scholastic Inc., 2001.
Bibliography. Websites. “ American Experience-Search results for Woodrow Wilson” [Online] Available November 10, “American Experience-The Presidents-Woodrow Wilson” [Online] Available November 10, 2008 “American Experience-Woodrow Wilson” [Online] Available November 10, 2008an Experience- Woodrow Wilson” [Online] Available November 10, “American History Timeline” [Online] Available November 10, 2008 “C-Span’s Presidential Libraries” [Online] Available span.org/PresidentialLibraries/n, November 10, 2008http:// span.org/PresidentialLibraries/n “History Channel-Woodrow Wilson” [Online] Available November 10, “The American President” [Online] Available November 10, 2008http:// “The Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library” [Online] Available November 10, “U.S. Presidents-Woodrow Wilson” [Online] Available kids.com/sleuth/History/US_History/Presidents/Woodrow_Wilson/index.htm, November 10, 2008http://cybersleuth- kids.com/sleuth/History/US_History/Presidents/Woodrow_Wilson/index.htm