Digestive System Oral Cavity, Pharynx, and Accessory Organs By: Tayler Reed, Adrionna McCoy Jessica Kim, Ayan Haji
Relative Size and Location of Organs Pharynx: ❏ Size: 12.5 cm. long ❏ Location: Behind the nasal cavities, mouth, and larynx Accessory Organs:, Tongue, Salivary Glands ❏ Size: ➢ Tongue- 10 cm ➢ Salivary Glands- 1 to 5 mm ❏ Location: ➢ Tongue- Mouth ➢ Salivary Glands-Lip, inner cheek area,, and linings of your mouth and throat Oral Cavity: Teeth, Tongue, and Salivary Glands ❏ Size of Oral Cavity: ➢ Teeth- 32 small or big ➢ Tongue- Small organ in mouth ➢ Salivary Glands-1 to 5mm ❏ Location of Oral Cavity: ➢ Teeth- found along the anterior and lateral edges of the mouth ➢ Tongue- inferior portion of the mouth just posterior and medial to the teeth ➢ Salivary Glands- Lip, inner cheek area, and other linings of your mouth and throat
What is the oral cavity and what does it contain? The oral cavity is the mouth and all the organs it contains. The oral cavity contains: ● Teeth ● Tongue ● Lips ● Cheeks ● Soft and Hard Palate ● Salivary Glands ● Mucous membranes ● gums ● uvula
What is the function of the salivary glands and the tongue? ● The salivary glands are to break down the food we eat by moistening it and making it easier to swallow ● The tongue is used to push food around in your mouth and also push it to the back of your throat for it to be swallowed
What is a bolus? A bolus is a small rounded mass of a substance, especially of chewed food at the moment of swallowing. A term for the ball of food that accumulates in your mouth so it can be moved down the esophagus.
Where are the soft and hard palate located and what are their function? The hard palate is the front part of the roof of the mouth, and the soft palate is the back part. ●Function of Hard Palate- ○ Important for feeding and speech. ●Function of Soft Palate- ○ Responsible for closing off the nasal cavities during the act of swallowing, and also for closing off the airway.
What mechanical and chemical digestion occurs in the oral cavity? The mechanical digestion is the physical breaking of food into smaller pieces in the mouth. The chemical digestion is the breaking down of food for it’s nutrients. It starts when the food is mixed with the saliva and the saliva starts to break down the carbohydrates in the food.
What mechanisms are in place to make sure food does not “go down the wrong tube” and into the windpipe? The soft palate closes of the nasal passage to prevent food from going into the nose and the throat squeezes food towards the esophagus and the larynx tips forward for the food to go through while also closing off the airway at the same time to prevent food from going down the wrong tube.
Works Cited eek.com%2Fwhat-is-the-difference-between-mouth-sores-and-canker- sores.htm&ei=wpD9VJTjEZHigwSBvYKYAQ&bvm=bv ,d.cWc&psig=AFQjCNGe- jmKKsHbabv7QLIhDvWoSgdQww&ust=