Your One-Stop Shop for Employment Success Optimal Resume:
Optimal Resume: At A Glance Miami Dade College has adopted this site as a resource to increase student employability skills and post- graduation success. Optimal Resume hosts a variety of tools to help create, present, manage and share professional credentials.
Create high-impact, interactive career materials based on career goals Present materials online — with an easy-to-use website builder — and in print, as you can download your materials in a number of formats Manage an unlimited number of career documents from one central location Share credentials with several networks on a professional website and across social networking sites Overview
The website link is as follows: mdc.optimalresume.com Students can register by clicking on the “Create New Account” button and entering their MyMDC student . Registering
Optimal Resume achieves student success via eight modules Features
Use the Resume builder to easily and quickly create impressive and professional resumes, which can be shared online or downloaded and printed. The builder combines expert advice, high-quality samples and actionable job market information to help you create focused, targeted resumes for every job opportunity. Resume Builder
Use the Letter Builder to easily and quickly create a range of different professional letters, e.g. cover letters and thank you letters, which also can be shared online or downloaded and printed. Letter Builder
The portfolio builder creates an online gallery that can be displayed as a page on your Optimal Resume website, shared as a link, or downloaded as a zipped file. Portfolio Builder Portfolios document your education, work samples, and skills. They are very useful for applying to jobs and training programs, demonstrating your transferable skills, and tracking your professional development.
If you are thinking of changing careers or are entering the workforce for the first time, the skills assessment module is a great place to start. Skills assessments can help you identify and present your transferable skills and abilities to prospective employers and are especially helpful for creating targeted resumes and cover letters, and preparing for job interviews. The three types of skills assessments : Skills Inventory Accomplishment Sheet Proficiency List Skills Assessment
This module makes it easy to refine your interviewing skills. You control your interview practice session, including the interview type, number of questions, response format, and interviewer. There are four ways to record your interview responses: Spoken and Video Recorded Spoken Only Written No Response Interview Prep
This module makes it easy for job seekers to create high quality video resumes from any computer with a webcam and microphone. Video Resume offers a unique script builder that helps users get started with a compelling video resume script. Instead of having to memorize their script, job seekers can read it with a unique teleprompter as they record. Attractive video resume styling options are available including video skins and animated bullet points. Video Resume
Creates a customized site that includes a variety of professional documents, as well as links to social networking profiles, e.g. LinkedIn and Twitter Can index site with major search engines Allows selection of documents that to include on website Website Builder
Placing a resume in the ResumeGPS database gives employers access to find and contact job seekers with employment opportunities. An employer searches for the kind of candidate they're looking for and sees matching resumes. If there is a match, an employer can set up an online interview or videoconference. Users can also exchange messages with employers and see which employers have viewed their profile. Resume GPS
Employers can send targeted opportunities to the personal Opportunity Dashboard ®, or users can search millions of job listings through the integrated Simply Hired database. Jobs & Internships On your Opportunity Dashboard, you can scroll through organization logos, view company information, and easily apply to positions of interest with Optimal Resume career materials.
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