Tiffany Harrell Walden University
What is a LMS? Learning Management Systems, also known as course management systems, are collaborative learning environments where teachers and students can: Engage within an online community Manage courses and student work Keep an online portfolio of work Set goals and create assessments using rubrics Communicate online through websites by students, faculty, and groups Receive or provide tutoring and support in learning “We have reinvented the educational delivery system with the end user-students- in mind, using tools, content, and teaching strategies that help students develop critical thinking skills, build global awareness, and gain 21 st century skills” (Young, Birtolo, & McElman, 2009).
Communities Personal websites Classrooms Club websites Faculty groups Private groups Study groups Tutor rooms
Classrooms Class website Provide assignments and resources for courses Provide online tests and quizzes Post grades Use reports based on student results for future instruction Rcampus Classroom: &rt=8&view=&sms=home&xsite=anneman cl&nocache=
Portfolios ePortfolio Builder Online submission of assignments to teacher gradebook Multimedia upload capabilities Discussion board for reviews and evaluations Calendar to track activities and progress Life-long ownership for students RCampus ePortfolio: ellc.cfm?xsite=lcpage11.W ellc.cfm?xsite=lcpage11.W69038
Rubrics Search by subject, type, and grade level Build, manage, share, and print rubrics Click2Grade Technology into gradebook Analyze assessment results (Link)
Student, Faculty, and Group Websites RCampus Club Website w=&sms=home&xsite=ohioelite w=&sms=home&xsite=ohioelite RCampus Faculty Group Website =&sms=home&xsite=pestech =&sms=home&xsite=pestech Multipage websites that can be created by students, classes, school groups, and faculty groups. Combine and enhance the features we are currently provided with through Infinite Campus and School Stream
Tutoring and Support Post tutoring ads Find a tutor Manage a tutor profile Tutor room builder
References Young, J., Birtolo, P., & McElman, R. (2009). Virtual success: Transforming education through online learning. Learning & Leading with Technology, 36(5), 12–17.