Ministry Report from Ukraine
Congregation Dear brothers and sisters, blessings and peace to you all from our Lord Jesus Christ. It is with joy and pleasure we inform that God’s amazing grace is at work in our lives and our congregation. On daily basis we experience how wonderful it is to serve such faithful and good Lord. Thank you so much for praying together with us for healing, restoration and blessing of our beloved land – Ukraine, especially in the midst of crisis and war. Please know that God hears your prayers and answers in amazing ways. The Bethany Congregation is well, there is significant spiritual growth. We also have new members joined. There is much enthusiasm and hope for future developments in implementation of the vision which the Lord has given to us.
Refugees In cooperation with many brothers and sisters from different Christian congregations we were able to receive more then 100 Christian refugees from East Ukraine. At the moment we support them by regularly visiting their new homes (most of them staying with local believers), providing them with pastoral care, supplying with food, winter clothes and basic necessities. One of the greatest challenges for us all would be to survive the winter. At the moment we look for options on getting fire wood for ourselves and for our refugees. Unfortunately government services do not function. Please pray that the Lord will help us to find necessary amount of fire wood soon. It is already getting cold.
Our son Timka (far right), who is now back to Rakhiv permanently, together with brothers Tim and Leonard in distributing food to refugees in Rakhiv and Tyachiv districts.
Our brothers Joseph and Leonard sorting the food to be distributed
Vadim and Leonard visiting families of Ukrainian soldiers in Rakhiv who were killed by occupants
Widows and orphans in Rakhiv – such is the outcome of war in Ukraine. Most of them are in serious need. Together with “East-Europe Mission” (brother Leonard is responsible person) our congregation is supporting these families. Apart from food and basic necessities, we come to their homes with prayer and good news from our Lord Jesus Christ.
Funeral of soldiers – heroes of Ukraine in Rakhiv
Our God is Faithfull! Rakhiv, Bethany House.
Ministry to Children We are pleased to inform that Ministry to children in our congregation is taking up a new step. Our sisters have prepared a wonderful program with lots of creative ideas. We also have new member of Children’s ministry team – brother Arthur, who is very gifted and artistic. Please pray for children’s ministry in our congregation. Many of the kids who come to our Sunday school do not have Christian parents (especially Gypsy children). It is very important for us to bring them into loving relationships with Heavenly Father.
Young people For many years our young people in congregation were very much isolated in Rakhiv society due to radical difference in values and lifestyle. Since recently our young men and ladies started regular youth fellowship several times during the week in order to be able to spend valuable time together as believers and practice true Christian friendship. Apart from prayer and Word study, they play sport together, learn new cooking and craft skills, practicing music and learn to share the Gospel with unbelievers. We are grateful to brother Stelle and sister Olesya for their valuable initiatives! (On photo – our daughter Sasha)
We need Your prayers Dear brothers and sisters, please keep on praying for Bethany Congregation in Rakhiv. Because of Your prayers the Lord has proven to be faithful to us in extending the boundaries of His Kingdom in our land. Yours in His service – brother Vadim.