HQ NORAD and USNORTHCOM JETP Exercise Brief COL Matt Brady N-NC/J71 This Briefing is Classified UNCLASSIFIED
2 Ardent Sentry 10 / NLE / D-IADS Dates: May 10 Description: ARDENT SENTRY is an annual NORAD-USNORTHCOM sponsored exercise focusing on Defense Support of Civil Authorities (DSCA) conducted in coordination with International, Federal, Regional, State and Local response partners. ARDENT SENTRY 10 is integrated into National Level Exercise 2010, which includes exercises: POSITIVE RESPONSE, EAGLE HORIZON, MARBLE CHALLENGE, TURBO CHALLENGE AND GOLDEN GUARDIAN. Requirements: Deployment of CBRNE Consequence Management Response Force (CCMRF) in a full scale exercise with local, State and Federal Responders Deployment of Deployable Integrated Air Defense System (D-IADS) to validate full operational capability Budget Execution: Airlift $1,500.0K, IT $80.0K, CTP $300.0K UNCLASSIFIED
3 ARCTIC EDGE 10 Dates: 26 Apr – 3 May 10 Description: ARTIC EDGE 10 (AE 10) is a biennial Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff Sponsored, JTF-AK conducted, N & NC supported FTX and CPX designed for ALCOM/JTF-AK as primary training audience. AE 10 is focused on Homeland Security and Homeland Defense with emphasis on DSCA in the AK AOR. AE 10 is linked to Alaska Shield X and Vigilant Guard 10. AE 10 scenario will be a earthquake with focus on disruption to distribution systems in AK. Requirements: Stratlift (amount TBD), 140 man-days for AMD slice, TDY and operational costs for exercise participants. Budget Execution: TBD. UNCLASSIFIED
Vigilant Shield 10 / NEP Dates: 2-6 Nov 09 Description: VIGILANT SHIELD 10 is a Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS) designated, NORAD-USNORTHCOM (N-NC) conducted, USJFCOM supported CPX, with supporting FTXs designed to train N-NC in Homeland Defense (HD), DSCA and Homeland Security (HS) processes. VS 10 is designated a Tier II exercise within the National Exercise Program (NEP) as of January VS 10 will include a Counter Terrorism vignette and a Vigilant Guard exercise involving New York National Guard, New York as well as FEMA Regions I and II Requirements: JFCOM, TRANSCOM, NGB, OSD, JS. As NEP Tier II, all Depts and Agencies. The land scenario involves CTP transport of 50 pax and 2 truckloads of commercial line haul equipment from San Antonio, to Ft Lewis. CT scenario involves movement of US forces involved in CT FTX. Estimates include 2 C-17 and 1 C-130 Budget Execution: Airlift $1,600.0K, IT $250.0K, CTP $150.0K 4 UNCLASSIFIED
5 Vibrant Response 10.1 FTX Dates: 2-14 Nov 09 Description: VR exercises are Commander, USNORTHCOM directed and Joint Forces Land Component Command (JFLCC) executed CBRNE Consequence Management Response Force (CCMRF) Joint Collective Command Post (CPX) and Field Training (FTX) exercises focused on the CBRNE CM Defense Support of Civil Authorities mission set. The VR 10.1 FTX primary training audience will be CCMRF 10.1 Task Force (O6 level) HQ units, subordinate units/capabilities and Joint Task Force Civil Support. The FTX will be conducted at the Muscatuck Center for Complex Operations (MCCO), Indiana Requirements: Airlift CCMRF FP1 from home stations to Indiana and return; IT and CTP for CCMRF FP 2/3 and Exercise Support infrastructure Budget Execution: Airlift $2,417.5K, IT $3,000.0K, CTP $300.0K UNCLASSIFIED
6 Vibrant Response 10.2 FTX UNCLASSIFIED Dates: 7-14 Jun 10 (Tentative) Description: VR exercises are Commander, USNORTHCOM directed and Joint Forces Land Component Command (JFLCC) executed CBRNE Consequence Management Response Force (CCMRF) Joint Collective Command Post (CPX) and Field Training (FTX) exercises focused on the CBRNE CM Defense Support of Civil Authorities mission set. The VR 10.2 FTX primary training audience will be CCMRF 10.2 Task Force (O6 level) HQ units, subordinate units/capabilities and Joint Task Force-51. The FTX will be conducted at the Muscatatuck Center for Complex Operations (MCCO), IN. Requirements: Airlift CCMRF FP1 from home station to IN and return; IT and CTP for CCMRF FP 2/3 and Exercise Support infrastructure Budget Execution: Airlift $2,417.5K, IT $3,000.0K, CTP $300.0K
7 Vibrant Response 11.1 CPX UNCLASSIFIED Dates: 2-8 Aug 10 Description: VR exercises are Commander, USNORTHCOM directed and Joint Forces Land Component Command (JFLCC) executed CBRNE Consequence Management Response Force (CCMRF) Joint Collective Command Post (CPX) and Field Training (FTX) exercises focused on the CBRNE CM Defense Support of Civil Authorities mission set. The VR 11.1 CPX primary training audience will be CCMRF 11.1 Joint Task Force HQ Staff and subordinate Task Force (O6 level) HQ staffs. The CPX will be conducted at the Battle Command Training Center, Ft Leavenworth, KS Requirements: IT and CTP for CCMRF 11.1 pax, equipment, and Exercise Support infrastructure Budget Execution: Airlift $0.0K, IT $200.0K, CTP $100.0K
8 Vibrant Response 11.3 CPX UNCLASSIFIED Dates: 7-14 Aug 10 Description: VR exercises are Commander, USNORTHCOM directed and Joint Forces Land Component Command (JFLCC) executed CBRNE Consequence Management Response Force (CCMRF) Joint Collective Command Post (CPX) and Field Training (FTX) exercises focused on the CBRNE CM Defense Support of Civil Authorities mission set. The VR 11.3 CPX primary training audience will be CCMRF 11.3 Joint Task Force HQ Staff and subordinate Task Force (O6 level) HQ staffs. The CPX will be conducted at the Battle Command Training Center, Ft Leavenworth, KS Requirements: IT and CTP for CCMRF 11.3 pax, equipment, and Exercise Support infrastructure Budget Execution: Airlift $0.0K, IT $200.0K, CTP $100.0K