Paris france Patric,Laterrien,Egan
Location of Paris France The Absolute location of Paris France is 48, 51, 24 degrees north The relative location is between Spain and Germany
Tourist attractions Some of tourist attractions are the Eiffel tower, arc de triumphed, louver, and the Notre dame
Physical features Some physical features are the alp mountains , Mediterranean sea , Pyrenees mountains
People are affecting the environment People are affecting the environment in these ways: water pollution is a big problem because it will kill animal
The environment affecting people Paris has really bad windstorm killing six people
How people move in Paris France This is how people get around in Paris France they used cars, method, and they walk the method is a type of subway
This is how they move goods in Paris France They used boats and planes they have to because they are surrounded by water
This is how they move ideas They used cell phone , computers, and TV’s
This is the region of Paris France Roman catholic about ninety percent of Paris France believe in that region
Tourist attraction Some tourist attraction are chateau de cam board , les catacombs , grotto de Lascaux and Lascaux 2