Dr. Emily Parkany, P.E., PTOE Director Associate Director, Center for Transportation Studies Director, Transportation Training Academy (VA LTAP)
* Eight day residential program (Tu-F, M-Th) * Five years and counting! * Emphasis on project development including project planning, project scope management, project development process, scheduling, estimating, and consultant procurement process * Additional sessions include understanding personality, communication skills, leadership, ethics, and negotiation
* Participants were initially all VDOT. Now open to VDOT, local government and private industry project managers; [2013 TPMI: 18, 6, 6] * Instructors: 8 VDOT, 5 academic, 3 industry leaders * Additional VDOT, industry, alumni: speakers, visitors, case study review panelists * Managed/developed/logistics from VDOT PMO, UVA faculty member, LTAP Director
* Real problem requiring engineering solution (traffic, water, construction mitigation) * Liaisons with adjacent military installations and historic church congregation * TPMI team presents a handoff of their solution, challenges, and recommendations for project development process improvements to the “construction contractor” * Five teams of six competed this year for Jefferson Cups; judged by panel of former Chief Engineer, District Administrator, consulting firm VP * Project Manager was appointed on first day; left team the fourth day
* Web page: