What are the SATs tests? The SATs tests are statutory tests taken by pupils at the end of a key stage. The tests are designed to test pupils’ knowledge and understanding of the key stage 1 and 2 programmes of study.
SATs in Year Two At the end of key stage 1 Teachers have to summarise their judgements for each eligible child, taking into account the child’s progress and performance throughout the key stage. They need to determine: a level of reading, writing, speaking and listening an overall subject level for mathematics a level for science When determining a level, teachers take into account written, practical and oral work as well as classroom work and the results of SATs tasks and tests. The level the child is judged to be working at by the class teacher will determine the task or test the child is entered for. Tests or tasks are administered by the class teacher in familiar surroundings and are marked by the class teacher.
Results in Year Two Children are given a level between W and 3 W – working towards level 1 1 – below average for their age group 2 – national average (level 2 is further sub-divided into 2A, 2B and 2C) 3 – above average Results are reported to parents in the child’s end of year report and use to inform teachers in the next stage of the child’s education.
SATs in Year Six All children in their final year of Key Stage Two and who are working at level 3 or above must take the tests. Children are tested in Mathematics and English only. The tests are administered by the class teacher in exam conditions.
Monday 9 th May Tuesday 10 th May Wednesday 11 th May Thursday 12 th May Friday 13 th May Reading test (45 minutes plus 15 minutes reading time) Writing shorter test (20 minutes) Spelling (10 minutes) Writing longer test (45 minutes) Mental maths test (20 minutes) Maths test A (45 minutes) Maths test B (45 minutes) Science Test (internal assessment) Science Test (internal assessment) Any child missing one of the papers will get no mark for the entire subject.
Results in Year Six The tests are sent to external markers. Results arrive into school at the beginning of July. Children will be given a level from 3 to 5. Level 3 – children are working below average for their age group Level 4 – national average Level 5 – above average Parents will receive children’s results along with their child’s end of year school report. It will also include a teacher assessment level of how the child has performed throughout the year. Included in this will be comparative information about the attainments in the core subjects of pupils of the same age in this school and nationally. The results are also passed on to the child’s secondary school and published in the school’s league tables.
What can you do to help? Children need to be prepared in advance –Revision of key facts –Healthy eating –Good sleep patterns –Doing homework activities –Read every night –Encourage positive use of Internet activities
Suggested websites suitable for children (resources)
VTLE Virtual Teaching and Learning Environment A protected website for children to share work and online activities Communication between children and teachers Secure, safe – keep details private
Applications for Secondary School Deadline: Midnight Friday 31st October 2010 Return completed forms to Civic Centre –Apply directly to Emmanuel and Public schools eg Dame Allen’s, Central Newcastle High School… Select 4 separate schools Use your child’s legal name for the form Catholic school applications – 10% non-Catholics are included Prioritising of places is based on individual school’s policy: siblings, address, feeder schools… Our main secondary school – Excelsior Academy Changes – 4 separate schools in one, one sixth form college, 375 children in each school – vocational focus in each school: Business and Economics, Design, Construction and the Environment, Creative and Performing Arts and Health Related Studies Help and support can be provided to complete forms Questions