WHERE IS IT LOCATED… Dan River starts in VA Works its way down into NC Finally feeds into the Kerr Lake Reservoir Near Eden NC
WHAT HAPPENED 27 acre coal ash pond Date of Disaster: 2/2/14 Storm drain ruptured underneath the pond Estimated million gallons of contaminated water rushed into the Dan River Estimated 50,000 to 80,000 tons of coal ash entered into the River
WHAT IS IN COAL ASH Arsenic Mercury Lead Chromium Boron Selenium…
AFTERMATH Third largest coal ash spill in U.S. history More than 70 miles of river have been affected In Kerr Lake an ash bar 75’ long, 15’ wide and a depth of 5’ was found floating Dan River is a water source for over 50,000 people Long term exposure will start to degrade wildlife Aquatic life, birds and other animals depend on the river to provide water other resources and in turn are taking in deadly chemicals Estimated cost of the disaster is $70 million or higher Could go up to as much as $700 million (Dennis Lemly) Factored in for loss in wildlife/ecosystem, property devaluing and the economic impacts Continuous water testing and “Clean-up” are underway
RESPONSIBILITY-DUKE ENERGY 2013 lawsuit Duke Energy claimed responsibility Fined $99,111, Duke Energy is a $50 billion company
OTHER FACTS There are over 600 coal ash ponds in the U.S. EPA estimates that there are currently 44 coal ash hazard sites…this was one of them This spill was not the first coal ash spill and was no the worst. EPA study showed people living near unlined coal ash ponds have 1/50 chance of developing arsenic related cancer