Introduction to Nutrition and Food Science zNutrition--All interactions between a living thing and the food it eats zIncludes physiological and biochemical interactions zAs well as social, cultural, economic and technological factors
Key Definitions zNutrient -- specific (chemical) substance in food needed for growth, reproduction, and health maintenance. z45 essential nutrients --must be supplied in the diet because not made by the body
Key Definitions (continued) zMicronutrient -- nutrient needed in small amounts zMacronutrient -- nutrient needed in relatively large amounts
Plant-based chemicals that don’t act in the same way as classical nutrients BUT may help prevent chronic diseases like cancer and coronary heart disease.
Functions of Nutrients zBody structure zEnergy (kilocalories, kcal) ylipids (fats) yalcohol ycarbohydrates yproteins yvitamins/minerals/water
Functions, cont. zRegulation of biochemical reactions zNote: there is a “beneficial range” for nutrient intake
Malnutrition zPoor nutritional status resulting from deficiency, excess or imbalance of nutrient intake yUndernutrition yOvernutrition zNote: exact relation between diet and some chronic diseases difficult to determine