Or, “What do I do with this MOA?” Latacha Berluche Accommodations 101
NOVA is committed to serving students with documented disabilities. Under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), disability services are available to all currently enrolled students who have a documented disability that substantially limits them in one or more of life’s major activities (e.g. learning) and who are otherwise academically qualified.
What does this mean to you? By law, we are required to provide disability services to students who are eligible.
Students who have a documented chronic disability that substantially limits them in one or more major life activities and who are otherwise academically qualified WHO IS ELIGIBLE?
Who is eligible? Visual Impairments Hearing Impairments Speech Impairment Impaired Mobility ADHD/ADD Learning Disabilities Developmental Reading Disorders Developmental Delays Dyslexia Cerebral Palsy Autism Spectrum Disorders Traumatic Brain Injury/Closed Head Injury Medical Concerns Psychological or Psychiatric Disorders
GETTING STARTED: Disability Services Getting Started with Disability Services: Students must: complete the intake packet and obtain the appropriate disability related documentation schedule an appointment to meet with a disability counselor by ing the Disability Counselor submit all paperwork to the counseling center at least 48 hours before their scheduled appointment arrive on-time for the meeting accommodations are discussed with the student and Memorandum of Accommodation (MOA) is created To find the intake packet please visit: Student Services Center Reception Desk, AA 194 Online
Disabilities Services Timeline (In theory ) Information gathered by student and evaluated by Disabilities Counselor If accommodations are appropriate, a Memorandum of Accommodations (MOA) is created MOA is provided to the class professor Student meets with professor to review the logistics of accommodations
The 411 on Accommodations Accommodations: Students must be otherwise qualified Will not alter the fundamentals of the class Will be reasonable Will not place an “undue burden” on the institution
Examples of typical academic accommodations offered at NOVA Classroom Accommodations Access to professor handouts, slides, overheads Additional time to complete in-class written assignments Interpreter Services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Assistance with note-taking (i.e. volunteer note-takers/Smart Pens) Occasional modifications to absentee/tardiness policy (for disability-related situations) Preferential seating Use of recording devices during lectures Use of laptop/word processor for note-taking Testing Accommodations Additional time for exams/quizzes Alternate testing environment (if needed) Use of a computer with or without assistive technology Reader/Scribe (ex. technology based software programs) Other Accommodations Materials in Alternative Format (Braille, Electronic, Large Print) Additional time with tutors in the Resource Centers on campus Usage of specific auxiliary aids
Student’s Responsibilities: Classroom Accommodations Give the professor the MOA as soon as possible Make sure they have an valid MOA Coordinate logistics of approved accommodations with professor (if needed)
Professor’s Responsibilities: Classroom accommodations Do not provide any accommodations unless you receive a current MOA Provide only the approved accommodations Schedule a meeting to review MOA with student Note takers: discuss the logistics of this with the student
Student’s Responsibilities: Testing Center Schedule use of the low distraction cubicle no less than 7 days in advance. Instructors must provide the Testing Center with a student’s exam before the student will be able to reserve a time Determine with you if extra time will be given in the classroom or in the testing center Reserve Assistive Technology, if needed Coordinate reader/scribe with the Disabilities Counselor
Professor’s Responsibilities: Testing Center Use of Testing Center: You need to drop off with a testing center service request form at least 7 days before the test Pick up the completed test Extra Time- USE THE TESTING CENTER Assistive Technology You may be asked to record the test questions on a tape recorder
Professor’s Responsibilities: Questions about an accommodation Address with the Disabilities Counselor, NOT the student If you are ed about a student regarding disabilities, please respond in writing
Common Mistakes Refusal to provide accommodations Question the student’s disability Inquire about the student’s actual diagnosis Provide inaccurate accommodations Disclosure of student’s disability to class Request to see student’s disability documentation
Faculty Tips Treat all students the same regardless of disability Be proactive Consider universal accessibility when designing your course Be approachable and encourage students registered with DSS to talk to you about their accommodations and needs Give students the opportunity to lead the discussion If you feel student needs additional accommodations, please consult DS Counselor. Be clear about your class expectations
Things to remember Classroom management may play a larger than average role with some disabilities students. Please intervene as necessary, or contact the disabilities counselor on your MOA. An MOA is not a “get out of jail free card” Document any concerns you have regarding problems or concerns DS Counselor will not identify the disability, only discuss accommodations
Things NOT to do Do not ask the student to identify the disability Do not try to “tease out” why one thing works and another thing doesn’t Do not OVER-accommodate
Professor’s Responsibility: Syllabus Instructors should have information in their course syllabus addressing special needs and accommodations. For example: Disability Statement The College is committed to the goal of providing each qualified student an equal opportunity to pursue a college education regardless of disability. Efforts will be made toward meeting reasonable requests for services to students with disabilities eligible under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Students with disabilities are encouraged to contact a Counselor for Disability Services in the Student Services or Counseling Center of any campus to discuss possible accommodations. Website- services/ services/
Appropriate Language and Demeanor Please use appropriate language when communicating with students with disabilities. Please treat these students with respect, and as often as possible, treat them the same way you would treat any other student Students with disabilities often report feeling talked down to or disrespected by professors
What is I see a student struggling? If a student is struggling in your class, please feel free to contact the student in order to discuss his or her lack of progress. You may refer them to the counseling center to discuss study skills and of other difficulties. The counselor will be able to make a referral to a disabilities counselor if necessary.
F.A.Q.s What if I suspect a student has a disability and did not give me a MOA? It is important that students with disabilities choose to identify themselves to the college. The student may have a disability and be choosing not to use accommodations What if a student asks for an accommodation and doesn’t have an MOA? Students who have indicated to the instructor that they have a disability and would like to receive Accommodations should be told to contact a DSS Counselor to obtain information on the process for obtaining disability services. Without a current MOA, no accommodations may be provided. What if a student gives me an expired MOA? Please send students with expired MOAs back to the Disabilities Counselor to obtain updated forms. Do not give this student any accommodations. What if you disagree with a specific accommodation? If you disagree with an accommodation, please contact Latacha Berluche in the counseling center. We can discuss your objections and develop an appropriate resolution. What if a student asks for an accommodation that is not listed on his or her MOA? If a student is asking for an accommodation not listed on their MOA, the student should be told that he/she needs to see the disability counselor.
The counseling center does…counseling? Short Term Counseling Referrals and Community Resources
CARE NVCC is here to support your needs as a professional. If there is a person in your classes whose behavior is concerning or alarming, please consider contacting a CARE team member, or complete a NOVA Cares reporting form. After the submission of this form, the CARE team will evaluate the potential risk, and make the appropriate referrals.
Events Disclaimer If your department puts on any events that are open to the student body at large, please remember to specify that “If you have accommodation needs for this event, please contact the disability services counselor at least one week prior to attending” with contact information
Disability Resources for Faculty NOVA Definitions of Accommodations - provides faculty, staff and students with guidelines for some of the most common accommodations provided by NOVA that are listed on the Memorandum of Accommodations (MOA). NOVA Definitions of Accommodations NOVA Policy for Service and Guide Animals - establishes rules governing the presence of service animals, service animals in-training, assistance animals and comfort animals on NOVA campuses and in NOVA facilities, and is written in accordance with U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) regulations pertaining to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). NOVA Policy for Service and Guide Animals Faculty Handbook for Teaching Students with Disabilities resources/FacultyHandbookforTeachingStudentswithDisabilities.pdf resources/FacultyHandbookforTeachingStudentswithDisabilities.pdf
The Laws Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of The American With Disabilities Act Section 508