Kentucky Department for Public Health Environmental Lead Program 275 East Main Street, HS2E-A Frankfort, Kentucky 40621 502-564-4537.


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Presentation transcript:

Kentucky Department for Public Health Environmental Lead Program 275 East Main Street, HS2E-A Frankfort, Kentucky

Compliance Brian Short R.S., R.AAlvin Campbell 5931 May Road275 East Main St., HS2E-A Calhoun, Kentucky 42327Frankfort, Kentucky Cell Ext Office/Fax Fax Administration Kenny Ratliff R.S., R.A. 275 East Main St., HS2E-A Frankfort, Kentucky Ext Fax

Certification Sharon Perl 275 East Main Street, HS2E-A Frankfort, Kentucky Ext Fax Nancy Grimsley R.S., R.A. 637 Wheeler Road Upton, Kentucky Training

Governing Regulations Federal  Environmental Protection Agency  Housing and Urban Development  Occupational Safety and Health Administration

Governing Regulations Federal  Environmental Protection Agency  Housing and Urban Development  Occupational Safety and Health AdministrationState  Kentucky Revised Statues thru  902 Kentucky Administrative Regulations 48:010 thru 48:040

Key Terms  Environmentalist Assessment Performed at the local health department level. When lead level in blood is between 15 and 19 ug/dL (2 capillary or 1 venous) It is a general condition inspection.  Risk Assessment Performed by a certified risk assessor. When lead level in blood is above 20 ug/dL (2 capillary or 1 venous) Hopes to determine the source of elevated level.

More Key Terms  Target housing Any housing constructed prior to 1978, except housing for the elderly or persons with disabilities in which no child less than six (6) years of age resides or is expected to reside.

More Key Terms  Child Occupied Facility “…means a building, or portion of a building constructed prior to 1978 other than target housing in which a child, six (6) years of age or under, spends at least three (3) hours a day, two (2) days a week, including but not limited to, child daycare facilities, family child-care homes, pre-schools, and kindergarten classrooms;”

More Key Terms Units of Measure  Micrograms/ square foot (ug/ft2)  Parts per million (ppm)

More Key Terms Units of Measure  Micrograms/ square foot (ug/ft2)  Parts per million (ppm) *Importance – EPA maximum allowable levels are: Floors – 40 ug/ft2 Window sills – 250 ug/ft2 Window troughs – 400 ug/ft2 Exterior components – 800 ug/ft2

How serious? ATSDR CERCLA Priority List of Hazardous Substances

Junction City, Boyle County 2002

Where are we?  Staffing?  Logistically? (Equipment, technology, information)  Strategically?

Where are we going?  Staffing? EPA says 8-10 maximum Look to regionalizing EBL response Exploring lead programs under one roof

Where are we going?  Logistically We have the equipment and resources, but not enough manpower Lead regions for statewide response Provide CD Rom resource Overall, partner with other entities

Where are we going?  Strategically Coordinate more with CLPPP Utilize awareness through presentations, media Look for funding avenues to MAKE THE PROBLEM GO AWAY Utilize current resources to the best of our abilities

Environmental Responsibilities  EBL above 15 µg/dl and below 20 µg/dl (2 consecutive capillary or 1 venous) – Medical notifies environmental Environmental conducts visit - initial Environmental maintains file If elevation above 20 µg/dl, forwards file to ELP Accompanies risk assessor

Kentucky Lead Based Paint Law KRS When notified that an occupant of a dwelling or dwelling unit is found to have an elevated blood level, an authorized representative of the cabinet shall inspect the dwelling or dwelling unit, at reasonable times, for the purpose of ascertaining the existence of lead based substances. Such a representative may remove samples necessary for laboratory analysis, in the determination of the presence of lead based substances in designated dwelling or dwelling unit.

We are here to help! Thank you.