to Grade 4
Gym – Day 2,6,7 possibly Day 4 Music – Day 2, 4,5
School Lunch Program
Spelling The new Language Arts Program requires students to work with words. A spelling worksheet will be sent home on Mondays and collected in on Fridays with the work completed. Fridays will be a spelling test. If a scheduled holiday occurs, there will be no spelling.
Sick Notes: If your child is absent please send a note stating why your child was absent so that I can mark the register with the appropriate code. If no note is received they are marked absent for unknown reason. Water Bottles: Are encouraged in class. Research shows water helps children learn more effectively, however their water bottles may only contain water, not juice! It is sticky and can destroy their work and text books. Washroom: Children are encouraged to go to the washroom before they come to school, during recess or lunchtime. Otherwise, once during class time should be adequate. A great deal of instructional time is lost due to washroom/fountain usage.
Homework Homework will vary. Every night they will be expected to read for 20 minutes. Sometimes we will assign reading, other times they may choose a book at home. They will have to study for tests after we finish a unit in a given subject area. (When studying this is also reading therefore, include it as reading time.) They may also be required to finish work that they did not get finished in class and should have! You may also see a homework folder come home from time to time with math or language arts worksheets in them which will reinforce the concepts we are teaching in class. It is very important to read your child’s agenda to see what they have for homework each night, as it will change.
Evaluation: Marks will be based on class work, projects, assignments, participation in class, quality of work and unit tests. Incident Notices: Are sent home for serious, inappropriate behavior. They need to be signed and returned. After 3, your child may be suspended.
Agendas: Homework/notes are copied down daily. Check every day for reminders and homework. We do not use monthly calendars in Elementary. What the children have the next day will be written in their agendas. If you need to communicate with me and it is something that I need to know for that day, please send a note or write it in their agendas. Also tell your child they have a note, so they will show it to me. We do not write in our agendas until after lunch. Do not depend on , as I may not get to check my until the evening.
Technology We would appreciate if you only sent in technological devices to school upon the teacher’s request.
Scholastic Book Orders If possible could you please send along a cheque as the money needs to be mailed, but we will except money if you don’t have cheques.
We look forward to working with you all year. Thank you from Ms. JoAnne Taylor