GREECE By: Amanda, Amy, Alyssa (The A Team)
Where is Greece?
Did You Know? The first cookbook was written by the Greek food gourmet, Archestratos, in 330 B.C. Modern chefs owe the tradition of their tall, white chef's hat to the Greeks.
History of Greek Cuisine In 350 B.C., when Alexander the Great extended the Greek Empire's reach from Europe to India, certain northern and eastern influences were absorbed into the Greek cuisine. In 146 B.C., Greece fell to the Romans which resulted in a blending of a Roman influence into Greek cooking. In 330 A.D., Emperor Constantine moved the capital of the Roman Empire to Constantinople, founding the Byzantine Empire which, in turn, fell to the Turks in 1453 and remained part of the Ottoman Empire for nearly 400 years. With each successive invasion and settlement came culinary influences - from the Romans, Venetians, Balkans, Turks, Slavs, and even the English
Greek Etiquette In Greek cuisine eating out and sharing the meal is just as important as the food itself this is called paraia. Unique to Greece, you can be invited into the kitchen to view the food and make your selection. When invited to a Greek home, it is ‘proper’ etiquette is to actually arrive a good half an hour after the stated time of the party!
Greek Etiquette cont. When you arrive you should bring your Greek host a small gift – a good wine, flowers, sweets, or some pastries. Try to eat everything on your plate, and don’t be surprised if your host or fellow guests share the food from their plates with you. It is good manners to follow suit and offer to share some of your own food.
The Mediterranean Diet ( One of the healthiest diets on the planet). It emphasizes: Getting plenty of exercise Eating primarily plant-based foods, such as fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes and nuts Replacing butter with healthy fats such as olive oil and canola oil Using herbs and spices instead of salt to flavor foods Limiting red meat to no more than a few times a month Eating fish and poultry at least twice a week Drinking red wine in moderation (optional)
Nutritional Health Concerns Greece has the 5th highest incidence of obesity in the world. Large consumption of food poses some health risks to these groups, including obesity, heart disease and diabetes. The women in their culture may take offense if a family member turns away their food as they see these feasts as a way to keep their families close. # 1 United States:30.6% # 2 Mexico:24.2% # 3 United Kingdom: 23% # 4 Slovakia:22.4% # 5 Greece:21.9% # 6 Australia:21.7% # 7 New Zealand:20.9% # 8 Hungary:18.8% # 9 Luxembourg:18.4% # 10 Czech Republic:14.8%
Main Ingredients of Greek Cooking Olives and Olive Oil Honey Yogurt and cheese Fresh fruits and vegetables Lamb, goat, and fish Legumes and nuts
Kalamata Olives Kalamata is a region in Greece, but they can be grown in Northern Africa and Western Asia as well Often used for olive oil(one of the BEST) Sweet, rich flavor Monounsaturated fats Good source of Vit E, Copper, and Fiber
Feta Cheese An aged, crumbly cheese Salted and cured in a brine solution for several months Slightly grainy texture
Where to Find Greek Food in Utah? Greek Market & Deli 3205 S State St Salt Lake City, UT (801) Aristo's 224 S 1300 E Salt Lake City, UT (801) Greek Souvlaki 4 Restaurants in Salt Lake City area