PG & E (a.k.a. PLAN) Part 2 The end of the year! by Keith Smedberg
Get to the website or they both go to the same place! There are other tutorials and links at the district site under departments/professional learning %20Growth%20and%20Evalua/default.aspx %20Growth%20and%20Evalua/default.aspx Or, 20Learning/default.aspxhttp:// 20Learning/default.aspx If you cannot log-in contact your STS.
PG & E At the “End of the Year”. Click on Edit This is why named it with the date in the title of your PLAN. Make sure you Edit the correct one.
Start with your activities. Click on “Edit” Click on Yes in the “Activity Completed “section. Edit whatever else you need to in here. Click on “Save Changes” or “Save”… Notice now the completed box is green.
After you completed your Activity. Click on “Edit” your Goal. After you click on “Yes” you will get two new boxes to fill out down below. Have at it! And yes, click on “Save Changes” Blah, blah, blah…
Green and Green. Do the same for each of your “Activities” AND “Goals” Click on PLAN.
Notice that my is wrong. You’ll need to change yours if it is wrong. You’ll also need to know the of your mentor (Principal?). The addition of a descriptive subject and a short text would be nice. I don’t have to tell you to click “Send Message” do I?
Click “Done” and “Sign Out”.