Providing innovative and engaging professional development for educators CONTEMPORARY LEARNING HUB Creating Flipped Classroom Videos Facilitated by Mark Seijbel Deputy Principal, Meridan State College
Providing innovative and engaging professional development for educators CONTEMPORARY LEARNING HUB Overview This session: Part A - Explore how a flipped classroom model can be used to engage and support students within a Secondary learning context. Part B - Support you to develop the skills you need to create your own flipped classroom content using screencasts and PowerPoint.
Providing innovative and engaging professional development for educators CONTEMPORARY LEARNING HUB What is Flipping The Classroom? Put most simply – it is about viewing or listening to lectures or lesson presentations during your own time (ie homework) – freeing up face to face time in class for substantive dialogue, application exercises, synthesising meaning…
Providing innovative and engaging professional development for educators CONTEMPORARY LEARNING HUB
Providing innovative and engaging professional development for educators CONTEMPORARY LEARNING HUB Traditional Vs Flipped
Providing innovative and engaging professional development for educators CONTEMPORARY LEARNING HUB Introduce Topic / Concept Before the Lesson Homework Vodcast / Video Simple Note/Qs? Archive Apply and Refine Understanding Set Induction Facilitate Discussion Question Challenge Seek Understanding DIG DEEPER Articulate Synthesise Provide Individual Support Extend Clarify Test for Understanding 1:1 Assistance
Providing innovative and engaging professional development for educators CONTEMPORARY LEARNING HUB The Flipped Classroom IS: A means to INCREASE interaction and personalised contact time between students and teachers. An environment where students take responsibility for their own learning. A classroom where the teacher is not the "sage on the stage", but the "guide on the side". A blending of direct instruction with constructivist learning. A classroom where students who are absent due to illness or extra-curricular activities, don't get left behind. A class where content is permanently archived for review or remediation. A class where all students are engaged in their learning. A place where all students can get a personalised education. The Flipped Class: What it is and What it is Not - by Jon Bergmann, Jerry Overmyer and Brett Wilie
Providing innovative and engaging professional development for educators CONTEMPORARY LEARNING HUB The Flipped Classroom is NOT: A synonym for online videos. When most people hear about the flipped class all they think about are the videos. It is the the interaction and the meaningful learning activities that occur during the face-to-face time that is most important. About replacing teachers with videos. An online course. Students working without structure. Students spending the entire class staring at a computer screen. Students working in isolation. The Flipped Class: What it is and What it is Not - by Jon Bergmann, Jerry Overmyer and Brett Wilie
Providing innovative and engaging professional development for educators CONTEMPORARY LEARNING HUB BUT…. (black hat) “My kids don’t do homework”. “My kids don’t have a laptop” You need to be a creative problem solver and work towards overcoming these barriers: Pre test start of lesson – set up opportunities for success (reward effort not just understanding) Read page / Do Qs 1-38 OR Watch 5 minute video and do two questions. Web based hosting/Mobile Access Access on demand – Crunch time. Put them on the spot?... and reflect.
Providing innovative and engaging professional development for educators CONTEMPORARY LEARNING HUB
Providing innovative and engaging professional development for educators CONTEMPORARY LEARNING HUB Create or Recreate? Will your recording be better than what is out there? Collaborate with teaching teams and get students involved (eg. mastery/expert group task at start of term). Assess time constraints.
Providing innovative and engaging professional development for educators CONTEMPORARY LEARNING HUB
Providing innovative and engaging professional development for educators CONTEMPORARY LEARNING HUB
Providing innovative and engaging professional development for educators CONTEMPORARY LEARNING HUB Certificate Your certificate will be ed to you within the next 24 hours. Please ensure you have signed on today to ensure you receive it.
Providing innovative and engaging professional development for educators CONTEMPORARY LEARNING HUB CONTEMPORARY LEARNING HUB MERIDAN STATE COLLEGE 214 Parklands Boulevard, Meridan Plains – Sunshine Coast E: P: (07)