Labor Relations Conference Breakout Session A Voluntary Early Retirement (VER) Tampa FL July 2003
Overview Background OPM Guidelines VER Timeline/SOP HQ, Area, and District Roles/Duties VER Document Review
Background A provision in APWU National Agreement required USPS to request VER for all APWU employees covered by agreement by February 2003 Request was submitted to OPM January 23, 2003 Homeland Security Act modified VER rules
Background OPM approved APWU VER June 2003 Not all employees who have shown interest will be approved for VER. There will be no incentive payments
OPM Guidelines VER authority is based on business reasons It is VOLUNTARY Employees cannot be coerced to retire or not retire
OPM Guidelines Can be used for employees identified as being in positions : – in danger of separation as a result of a RIF or ToF or – which are becoming excess to the agency's future ability to carry out its mission effectively; or – which can be a potential placement opportunity for those employees who are being excessed.
OPM Guidelines Basic eligibility requirements At least 20 years service and at least age 50 - or - At least 25 years service regardless of age
VER Timeline/SOP
July 11 –Implementation package sent to Area and field HR July 15 –SOI package mailed to approx 58,000 VER eligible employees covered by the National Agreement –The bulletin board notice currently posted advises employees who did believe they should have received an SOI package, but did not; to request one from local personnel. –If they are in the P or C pay schedule provide them with an SOI package
VER Timeline/SOP July 15 to August 26 –Area Operations works on specific site complement plans –Assess impact, reshaping and staffing needs –Facility by facility analysis to determine: –Positions for VER offer –Number of VERs for approval for Oct 31 and subsequent retire dates –This data must be provided to HQ by September 15
VER Timeline/SOP August 5 –End of SOI period –Deadline for SOI responses to be received at HQ
VER Timeline/SOP August 1 to August 19 –HQ collects, logs, and categorizes SOI data –Categories of SOI data –(1) Levels 4, 5, and 6 in Clerk Craft in plants –(2) Levels 4, 5, and 6 in Clerk Craft within 50 miles of plants –(3) Other potential reassignment opportunities –(4) Ineligible
VER Timeline/SOP August 1 to August 19 –HQ forwards SOI data to district HR with summary copies to Area HR weekly –First installment will be August 1 –Spreadsheet example
VER Timeline/SOP August 6 to September 24 –OPF validation/RTR data entry period –Employees must be in RTR before a VER offer can be made –RTR data entry requires a review of the OPF by HR specialists who have RTR training –Issuance of disapproval letters, where appropriate –Tracking in webCOINS
VER Timeline/SOP September 27 –VER offer packages will be mailed to employees who have shown interest and who are in category 1 –VER offer packages will be mailed to FTR employees who have shown interest and who are in category 2 –PTF or PTR employees in category 2 will be mailed an offer package if they can be replaced by the reassignment of another career employee –Category 3 employees will receive an offer package if they occupy positions that are potential reassignments opportunities as defined by operations or are in excess positions –Category 4 employees will not be sent a VER offer
VER Timeline/SOP September 27 to October 27 –VER window period –Period of time when employees have a chance to decide on VER –Retirement applications must be submitted during this period –Retirement applications can be withdrawn during this period –The decision to retire is irrevocable after COB October 27
VER Timeline/SOP October 28 –VER approval notice sent to employees –If the number of requests for VER exceeds the number required for the facility/position, VER disapproval notice will be sent –Employees with the earliest retirement computation date up to the number required will be granted VER
VER Timeline/SOP October 31 –VER retirement effective date
HQ, Area, and District Roles/Duties HQ –Develop implementation plan –Mail SOI packages –Log all SOI responses –Distribute SOI data to field –Report to senior management and OPM –Guidance to Area HR
HQ, Area, and District Roles/Duties Area –Coordinate implementation plan –Coordinate strategies for site specific complement plans –Monitor VER tracking –Provide guidance to districts
HQ, Area, and District Roles/Duties District –OPF validation (RTR) –VER tracking (webCOINS) –Work with Area on site specific complement plans –Prepare VER Offer package –Prepare disapproval letter –Provide group retirement counseling –Process Form 50 in accordance with OPM guidelines –Authority number and date
Documents VER Offer package Approval Letter Acknowledgement Of Irrevocability of VER Decision VER Disapproval Letter
Planning next steps Supervisors Distribution Operations Mailhandlers