The key to interoperability 1 Welcome to the NAMUR EDDL Workshop with ECT Karlsruhe May 22nd 2006
The key to interoperability 2 Agenda
The key to interoperability 3 EDDL Tutorial
The key to interoperability 4 Background Time: circa 1990 Situation: valves and transmitters are becoming microprocessor based; intelligent field devices HART® Communication Protocol is popular Issue: Interoperability of devices with Host applications EDDL Tutorial
The key to interoperability 5 Solving Interoperability … Problem:How does the Host understand device capabilities and interpret digital information in the HART messages? Option #1:Custom Software Drivers Software driver needed for each device type Time consuming/costly to write Difficult for supplier to maintain Difficult for end users to manage EDDL Tutorial
The key to interoperability 6 Solving Interoperability … Problem:How does the Host understand device capabilities and interpret digital information in the HART messages? Option #2: Use a Descriptive Technology EDDL Tutorial
The key to interoperability What is EDDL? International Standard for Interoperability EDDL is an Electronic Device Description Language EDDL is an international standard Endorsed by IEC (IEC 61804) EDDL is endorsed by the three major digital busses Fieldbus Foundation HART Communication Foundation Profibus Nutzerorganisation e.V (PNO) EDDL Tutorial
The key to interoperability 8 EDDL EDDL technology was designed to avoid the need for special, proprietary, and operating system-specific host application files It allows a host system to both configure as well as monitor devices on-line Consists of two parts A file (EDD) that describes the device and the information that it contains A host application that reads the EDD file to learn how to retrieve and interpret digital information from the device EDDL Tutorial
The key to interoperability What is an EDD? An EDD is the computer readable file written in Electronic Device Description Language (EDDL) that describes the data in a field device It is in a compressed binary format It is not executable code It is the file that the Host application reads in order to learn how to retrieve information from the field device EDDL Tutorial
The key to interoperability EDD’s and Interoperability EDD’s enable : - Devices from different suppliers to interoperate with a single Host - The same device to interoperate with different Hosts. Device from Supplier A Device from Supplier Z Describes How the device functions per IEC Small ASCII files (< 200k) EDDL Tutorial
The key to interoperability 11 EDDL: Operating System Independent Application on PC or Handheld uses the same DD Fully backward compatible Unix Linux WIN NT Win XP Simple Text File Same For All Hosts Win CE Vista EDD EDDL Tutorial
The key to interoperability 12 Background Time:Circa 2002 Situation: Fieldbus Foundation, HART Communication Foundation and Profibus are all using EDDL Valves and transmitters are becoming more intelligent Field devices are incorporating complex diagnostics and set-up requirements Issue:EDDL in IEC does not have any features to support graphical display of diagnostics and advanced device features EDDL Tutorial
The key to interoperability 13 EDDL Has Been Enhanced Goal: Extend Interoperability to support increasing device intelligence The HART Communication Foundation, the Fieldbus Foundation and Profibus Nutzerorganisation e.V formed a Cooperative Project to specify EDDL enhancements The enhancements have been tested and have been added to IEC Approved on 10 Feb 2006 The new document will be published as IEC , in June 2006 EDDL Tutorial
The key to interoperability 14 Example, Without Enhancements Product Information EDD EDDL Tutorial
The key to interoperability 15 Example, Without Enhancements Display Information Display File Unique to each Host Product Information EDD EDDL Tutorial
The key to interoperability 16 With Enhancements Display information Product Information EDD EDDL Tutorial
The key to interoperability 17 Key Features of Enhancements Enhanced User Interface Parameter organization Images Complex data Graphing System Support for Charts and Graphs Persistent Data Store Archive and retrieve data Aids diagnostics executed by devices Extended Interoperability EDDL Tutorial
The key to interoperability 18 The key to interoperability Benefits to End Users and Vendors
The key to interoperability 19 Independency of EDDL – is minimizing continuous upgrades EDDL / EDDs are independent from Operating systems and versions DCS platforms Communication interfaces and paths Why? EDDs are text based files There is no executable code in an EDD EDDs are managed by an interpreter, all communication setups are done by the DCS or the tool EDD and Excel sheets – a comparable technology Both describe user interfaces including graphics and complex relations between the data In case of changing the versions of EXCEL or the operating system there is no need to upgrade the sheet It simple works! Benefits to End Users and Vendors
The key to interoperability 20 EDDL is Easy to Use ensures transparency and accessibility in your plant Build in state of the art graphics Trends, Bar graphs One tool for all devices Common transparent data base A new device just a new EDD Same Look & Feel in a tool / DCS for all devices EDDs define the data organization for the UI to build up a real one Benefits to End Users and Vendors
The key to interoperability 21 EDDL Technology Supports Safe Operation of Your Plant No influence on the runtime stability There is no executable code with EDDs which may have an effect to the stability of the operating system EDDs are interpreted and therefore encapsulated No impact of one EDD to others Easy update and device additions during operation Operating System Interpreter EDD Benefits to End Users and Vendors
The key to interoperability 22 EDDL – For Vendors: Easy to Use and to Learn, Easy to Maintain EDDL is easy to learn Like Visual Basic Standard text editor Context sensitive editors available Existing EDDs can be used as a basis for a new device Learning by doing One EDDL – many languages for localisation VARIABLE tag { LABEL“TAG“; HELP“|en|Text that can be used in any way.“ CLASSDEVICE; TYPEINTEGER(1) } Definition of a variable of a device Benefits to End Users and Vendors Adapting an EDD to a new device version normally means copy/paste and small adjustments
The key to interoperability 23 EDDL - Backbone for Diagnostics & Maintenance Management System EDDs provide diagnostics data for Maintenance Management Systems Occurrences of non regular states of components are signaled to an DCS The diagnostics data are read via the corresponding EDD from the device w/o disturbing the plant operation Predictive maintenance based on EDDs saves costs due to reduced cyclic scheduled service tasks Benefits to End Users and Vendors
The key to interoperability 24 EDDL Keeps Your Investment Alive Reduced costs for education and training Learn handling once- manage all devices and components due to the common Look & Feel in your Tool or system Transparent backward compatibility reduces upgrade costs in case of Operation System upgrade Tool / DCS upgrade Stable and consistent EDDL standard reduce costs no upgrades of EDDs due to new EDDL version at a device supplier No installation of such “new” (means upgraded) EDDs at end users Benefits to End Users and Vendors
The key to interoperability 25 EDDL – Fits Best in All Environments EDDL is used from Handheld to MES 1) from simple devices to very complex devices 1) Manufacturing Execution System Benefits to End Users and Vendors
The key to interoperability 26 EDDL Can Be Used All Over Your Plant Control Manufacturing execution systems (MES) Enterprise resource planning (ERP) MES solutions Production workflow Production life cycle Inbound logisticsProcess DiscreteOutbound logistics Design and engineering Installation and commissioning OperationMaintenance Modernization and upgrading Shows where EDDs / EDD data can be used Benefits to End Users and Vendors
The key to interoperability 27 Benefits for End users and Vendors -Summary Independent from Operating Systems DCS Platforms and Versions Communication Technology Easy to use Unified user interface One tool for all devices Build in state of the art graphics Safe Operation no influence on the runtime stability Easy update and device additions during operation Low Cost Education and training Development Maintenance No Investment Risk Controlled life cycle management Backward compatibility Stable and consistent standard Scaleable from Handheld to MES from simple to complex devices Benefits to End Users and Vendors
The key to interoperability 28 The key to interoperability EDDL and OPC UA
The key to interoperability 29 OPC Foundation International Industry Standard Organization 400+ Member Companies / 40+ end-users Members Total Companies Build OPC Products = Products The vision of OPC is to be the Foundation for interOperability for moving information vertically from the factory floor through the enterprise of multi-vendor systems (with stops in between…) For moving information horizontally between devices on different industrial networks from different vendors; Not just data but information……. Reliable, Secure Integration is a must Collaboration is key to pulling multiple “open” standards into unified open platform architecture….
The key to interoperability 30 OPC Unified Architecture Easier Configuration and Maintenance Increased Visibility Broader Scope Greater Reliability Enhanced Security
The key to interoperability 31 EDDL + OPC UA Synergy Device Integration (FF, Profibus, HART, etc) Subsystem Integration Server Integration (OPC UA) P L P L P L P L APPLICATION PACKAGES MIS Device Data EDD Enterprise Integration (ERP, Asset Management, Advanced Diagnostics, etc.) Open Standards to Deliver Interoperability Device to Device and Device to the Enterprise
The key to interoperability 32 The key to interoperability Roadmap Phase 2
The key to interoperability 33 EDDL Where are we Going?
The key to interoperability 35 Phase 1- Scope Develop EDDL specification for advanced visualization and data storage and protect the installed base. Built upon IEC International Standard Independent of OS and Communication Protocol Single EDDL for all Applications (DCS/PCs/Handhelds/etc.) No changes to existing DDs Develop EDDL Interoperability Guideline for the extensions Independent test and validation of extensions Specification extensions available to all consortiums and IEC
The key to interoperability 36 Phase 1- Delivered Radar Gauge Threshold Calibration DD Cooperation Project Echo Curve Filter Valve Signature Open Stroke Close Stroke MOTOR SYMMETRY MOTOR PARAMETERS Graphs Charts Images Enhanced User Interface Valve Step Response Travel Setpoint (Stored) Graphs Visualization Graphing – Enables graphical display of static Y-t and XY data Charting – Enables graphical display of real-time (continuous) data from device Enhanced Data Storage- Enables DD Developer to securely store data on the host Enhanced User Interface (UI) – DD Developer can describe screen layout New METHOD built-ins - support graphing, charting, storage & UI enhancements Support for multi-byte languages
The key to interoperability 37 EDDL Cooperation Fieldbus Foundation HCF PNO Cooperative Team Donates EDD Enhancement Specification to IEC for update to International Standards IEC June 2005 Unanimously Passed for Update to 61804–3 February 2006
The key to interoperability 38 EDDL Cooperation Fieldbus Foundation HCF OPCF PNO OPC Foundation Joins Industry Cooperation Project EDD Selected as Data Structure for OPC Unified Architecture Specifications January 2005
The key to interoperability 39 Phase 2 Scope Enhanced support for devices connected to process Automation systems Procedures - e.g. device setup and maintenance Enhanced access to data references in large Databases and look up tables Extended access to product information (e.g. contact, device classification, etc.) Information model for OPC UA Includes device and EDD information Support of modular devices
The key to interoperability 40 OPC UA Server (UA = Unified Architecture) EDD HMI- Application OPC UA Client Planning and Engineering Applications OPC UA Client Project data base... Offline Online Device Catalog Specific Client Applications OPC UA Client ERP – MES Optimization Applications Configuration & Maintenance- Asset Management Trends/Historian OPC UA Client Why OPC and EDDL OPC UA - A single interface standard Based on Web-Services (internet-technology) Allows solutions to run different operating systems (OS Independence) Consolidates existing OPC interfaces (data, archive, alarm, event) EDDL information (Parameterization, etc) in addition to data type is provided by an OPC UA server, which enables client application to use OPC UA server data with reduced engineering effort
The key to interoperability 41 Why OPC and EDDL? Client Applications Enable HMI, Config/Diagnostics, Asset Management, Historian on OPC UA Map EDDL into OPC UA Name Space Enhanced Procedural Support for Complex Devices Modular Devices (Remote I/O and Flexible Function Blocks) Access to Multiple Blocks Off-line Configuration, Upload and Download OPC UA Server (UA = Unified Architecture) OPC UA Client HMI- Applications ERP – MES Optimization Applications Configuration & Maintenance- Planning and Engineering Applications Asset Management Trends/Historian Specific Client Applications
The key to interoperability 42 OPC UA Server (UA = Unified Architecture) EDD Simple Device Specific Client Features OPC UA Client Complex Device EDD... EDD Scalable Device Integration Simple Device integration Requires only EDDs Advanced Requirements Utilize OPC UA client applications driven by OPC UA server resident EDDs for online and offline data access Complex Device integration Requires only EDDs Advanced Requirements Utilize OPC UA client applications driven by OPC UA server resident EDDs for online and offline data access
The key to interoperability 43 The key to interoperability Live Demo
The key to interoperability 44 EDDL Live In the next 30 minutes you will see the benefits of EDDL in three use cases Use Case 1: ONE EDD for different systems Use Case 2: EDDL for different communication types Use Case 3: EDDL for complex devices
The key to interoperability 45 Configuration of the Demo Systems Remote I/O 3144P 5400 SITRANS P LR FIM CSI 9210 SITRANS P 5400 SITRANS P 3144P SITRANS P 375 HH HART Fieldbus HART MM440 Profibus DP Beamer Cerabar S Ethernet HART Modem PDM Laptop AMS Laptop SDC625 Laptop Video Switch HART MUX HUB
The key to interoperability 46 The key to interoperability Discussion
The key to interoperability 47 relax your operating processes use the key to interoperability