Natalia Maliszewska kl.4b Scotland
Edinburg - city in the UK, one of the 32 administrative units (council area) of Scotland; since 1437 the Scottish capital and the seat of the Scottish Parliament, whose deliberations resumed in 1999 after a break lasting from union with England in since 1583 a university town, there are currently four universities. In 2011, the Edinburgh counted inhabitants, making it the seventh largest city in the United Kingdom and the second (after Glasgow) city in Scotland. In the past also known as the "Old Cinders" (SC Auld Reekie). The city is famous for its annual events and festivals, of which the most famous are the Edinburgh International Festival, the Fringe (theater festivals) and the Military Tattoo (performances by military bands), held in August.
Flag of Scotland
Scottish money Currency of the Kingdom of Scotland before it entered into a political and monetary union with the Kingdom of England in 1707 in accordance with the Act of Union of Funt Pens Scottish beaten by David II, King of Scotland
Monster of Loch Ness Most scientists considered the current documentation of having to prove the existence of the animal was unconvincing. They argue frequently that the meetings with Nessie are scams or observations of known animals or phenomena. However, the belief in the existence of the animal are among the many people around the world. The most popular theories attempting to explain the nature of the alleged animal defines them as a type of plesiosaur, seal, eel or sturgeon. Nessie descriptions most likely to say that the monster has a long neck ending mouth, two-or one-humped back and a dark motherfucker.
Coat of arms of Scotland
Map of Scotland
Cooking Scottish cuisine is known for its shortbread (buttery crisp bread), kidney pie and haggis. Haggis is a sheep's stomach filled with a mixture of chopped sheep's offal (heart, lungs, and liver), oatmeal, onions and spices, stitched and cooked. Usually it is administered with potatoes. Scottish cuisine is characterized by a large amount of food containing oats. An example might be cranachan. Traditional Scottish breakfast usually consists of porridge, fried eggs and bacon or smoked fish. A well-known Scottish dessert is spotted dick.
Culture Bagpipe and kilt is the most well-known products of Scottish culture. Bagpipes come from Asia Minor, but they have a culture of Scotland, of particular importance and are associated just with her. Kilt as a men's skirt was already known at the time of the Roman conquest of the British Isles. Characteristic of the material from which is made kilt is made from sheep's wool, and the pattern kilt (characteristic lattice) is called tartan. The word comes from the French tartan and simply means plaid fabric. Each Scottish clan has its own unique pattern kilt.