EAPN Basic Capacity Building Training 18 & 19 June 2015 EAPN’s policy approach: Using EU processes to get progress on poverty Sian Jones EAPN Policy Coordinator.


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Presentation transcript:

EAPN Basic Capacity Building Training 18 & 19 June 2015 EAPN’s policy approach: Using EU processes to get progress on poverty Sian Jones EAPN Policy Coordinator

Using EU processes to get progress On Poverty. Outline EU context – Getting poverty on EU agenda. Europe 2020 and European Semester – how does it work? Where does poverty fit in? What are EAPN Key Messages and Recommendations? How does EAPN try to engage at national and EU level? Tips for Engaging.

The Social OMC: Ist EU Strategy on Poverty  st OMC on social inclusion ‘ to make a decisive impact on the eradication of poverty by 2010’.  EAPN engaged in pressing for coherent process: -Agreed EU level Common Objectives -Common indicators to measure progress -Developed coordinated reporting mechanisms: National Action Plans for Inclusion -Supported funding through Community Action Programme – both transnational exchanges, awareness-raising, studies, peer review etc. -Stakeholder engagement a core element: eg Objective 4: Mobilisation of all actors, including NGOs and people experiencing poverty: EAPN actively involved in NAPs.

But weak progress on poverty….  Poor record on impact of poverty – At risk of poverty remained 16% from 2000 to  Main strategy was Lisbon, following Wim KoK review in 2006 – re-focus on growth and jobs not social inclusion.  Growing argument that Poverty can’t be solved by social policy alone…  Social OMC was seen as sidelined, need to mainstream social objectives into macroeconomic priorities.

Europe 2020? What is it? EU Strategy for Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth 5 headline targets by ) EMPLOYMENT:75% of the year olds to be employed 2) POVERTY: at least 20 million less people at risk of poverty and/or exclusion. (3 indicators) 3) EDUCATION: reducing early school leaving below 10%; at least 40% of year olds completing tertiary education. 4) CLIMATE: greenhouse gas emissions 20%, 20% of energy from renewables; 20% increase in energy efficiency. 5) R&D: 3% of the EU’s GDP to be invested

Europe 2020 – Progress for poverty? EU Poverty target based on 3 indicators (At risk of poverty and/or exclusion/AROPE) with national targets. -At risk of poverty (60% median household disposable income). -Severe Material Deprivation (deprivation of 4 out of 9 factors). -Low Work Intensity (job-less households). European Platform Against Poverty – 1 of 7 flagship initiative/actions to support EU2020 delivery. Integrated Guideline 10: Social Inclusion and Poverty Recital 16/Guidelines: required stakeholder engagement EU Funds tied to target: 20% of ESF on poverty,.

Europe 2020 – how is it implemented? Europe 2020 is coordinated through the main EU governance process: THE EUROPEAN SEMESTER Main OBJECTIVE of the Semester is coordination of budgetary and economic policies. Semester combines 2 parallel processes: 1)Europe 2020 – thematic/macroeconomic 2)Stability and Growth Pact – surveillance to monitor fiscal stabililty  In reality, dominant priority and process Stability and Growth/ macroeconomic and financial surveillance.

European Semester- How it works? Fiscal surveillance Macro-economic surveillance Thematic surveillance Europe 2020 Integrated Guidelines (IG) Europe 2020 five headline targets Stability and Growth Pact National Reform Programmes Stability and Convergence Programmes Commission’s Annual Growth Survey EU annual policy guidance and recommendations EU flagship initiatives and levers National level EU level

Europe 2020 – Timeline European Semester in the driving seat Nov: Annual Growth Survey sets key priorities March: Country Reports – Commission reviews progress March: Spring European Council key messages Mid April – MS present National Reform Programme (NRP) and Stability and Convergence Programme(SCP) May – Commission review NRPs and SCPs End May/June – Country-specific recommendations to June European Council – mainly focussed on macro-economic. Autumn – MS implement NRP/Recommendations 15 th October – Eurozone present budgets for approval On-going- Multi-lateral surveillance and exchange

Social Investment Package: New Opportunties for progress?  Social Investment Package (SIP) 2013 offered some hope for progress? Social policy as a benefit not a cost  Investing in Children Recommendation: integrated/child- centred approach on 3 pillars: Access to adequate resources, Affordable quality services, Children’s right to participate.  Follow up on the implementation of Active Inclusion recommendation: integrated approach: (inclusive labour markets, access to services, adequate minimum income)  Tackling homelessness and housing exclusion – proposes integrated strategic approach.  But low priority in Semester with more focus on ‘efficiency’ away from ‘passive social protection’

Europe What impact on poverty? million at risk of poverty and/or social exclusion (EU SILC 2013) ie nearly 1 in 4 of the population, increase of over 4.8 million since 2008 Shortfall on MS setting national targets: 12 instead of 20 million. Severe Material Deprivation substantial increases: over 5pp: EL (9.1), HU (8.9), CY (7.0), MT, IT, LV. Jobless Households – hardest hit by crisis: EL, ES, IE, LV, LT, PT an BG Increasingly divided Europe – N/S and periphery: ≥ 40% BG,RO,LT to ≤ 17% in CZ, NL, SE, LU and AT. Increasing inequality – the top/bottom 10% between and within MS. Increased Working Poverty – 8.9% with 1/3 of working-age poor in a job. New risk groups – youth but also children, older people, single parents, long- term unemployed, homeless, migrants, Roma million children – with substantial increases in 2/3 of MS.

Where are we now? Europe Mid-Term Review Mid-Term Review of Europe 2020: consultation in 2014, but proposals delayed until Short Mid-Term Review Assessment report March 2015: - Europe 2020 has the right goals/approach and targets –Flagship Initiatives doing their job, but need more visibiity –Scope for more ownership, and involvement at national level, ie stakeholders/parliament to get delivery. But new Commission President Juncker moving away from Europe 2020 with new political guidelines, and Investment Plan.  Annual Growth Survey Nov 2015 (AGS) priorities – investment, deficit reduction, restucturing – not poverty or social investment.  New orientation debate on Social Europe - room for hope?

Where are we now? Mid-Term Review – EAPN Assessment EAPN View: Europe 2020 offered a positive development for poverty Disillusionment as poverty grows with devestating social impact of crisis – mistaken policies also culprit. Europe 2020, the poor sister in the European Semester dominated by economic governance Lack of seriousness about poverty target or stategy for delivery Jobs alone solutions not sufficient to reduce poverty. Cosmetic approach to participation.

Mid-Term Review- EAPN Recommendations Can the strategy be made fit for purpose? 1.Building a coherent economic/social strategy – putting economic and social objectives on a par and in CSRs 2.Establishing credible poverty and social targets – using all indicators, with sub-targets eg child poverty 3.Prioritising an EU Integrated Strategy to fight poverty by investing in quality jobs, services, social protection financed with tax justice. 4.Establishing democratic and accountable governance – structured dialogue with CSOs and stakeholders and Nat Parl. 5.Using EU Money for Poverty – 20% of ESF on poverty – for integrated strategies/ beyond employment only.

Engaging in Europe 2020 and Semester Why get involved? The European Semester is the key coordination process for delivering the EU’s economic, employment and social policies. Europe 2020 targets are direct drivers of EU funds – particularly ESF – 20%, but also Research Funds. Some successes have been achieved – with recognition of need to balance economic and social policies more, and more social CSRs Recognition of need to for ownership at national level – ie new European Semester Officers with key role to support engagement. Much more needs to be done!! To get social objectives, environmental and equality objectives as priorities and strengthen democratic deficit and accountability.

Engaging in Europe 2020 and Semester How EAPN engages through the EUISG? National Level - What national networks can do? ENGAGE: Monitor and provide inputs to NRPs and CSRs to govt. ADVOCACY+COMMUNICATION: Lobby and Raise Awareness. ALLIANCES: working together with other organizations. EU Level - What we do together? CAPACITY BUILDING AND EXCHANGE – review NRP/CSRs. COMMON ASSESSMENT AND RECOMMENDATIONS eg 2014 NRP Assessment and 2015 CSR proposals. COMMON ADVOCACY: Messages to AGS, key Councils, letters, PRs, EP opinions, meetings with Commission/Parliament. EU ALLIANCES: working together: Social Platform/ EU Semester Alliance with national pilots:

Engaging with Europe 2020 and the Semester Some tips to get started 1.Identify who’s responsible for the Semester/Europe Ask to be invited to participate in stakeholder engagement on NRP/Semester 3.Brief members and build a common position. 4.Make your input to the NRP – develop key messages and prepare advocacy actions 5.Review your country’s CSRs 6.Build Alliances and Communicate!

Engaging in Europe 2020 and Semester Some Inspiring Practices…. 1.National Pilot Alliances under the Semester Alliance Project Denmark, Bulgaria and Ireland see: http//semesteralliance.net 2.Better dialogue with Govt/Commission at national and EU level: Meetings on CSR proposals/reviews: Spain, Italy and Portugal 3. EAPN’s Call for 5 Pilot Awareness-raising actions: Croatia/Hungary; Portugal/Bulgaria, Serbia/Macedonia, Italy/Spain and Ireland. 4. Pro-active social reports or shadow NRP Germany, Poland, France, Luxembourg, Italy. 5. National Platforms against Poverty Belgium.

Using EU Processes to Progress on Poverty For More Information See: EAPN Tool Kit on Engaging with Europe 2020 and the European Semester.EAPN Tool Kit on Engaging with Europe 2020 and the European Semester Contact: Sian Jones, EAPN Policy Coordinator Tel: EAPN: Square de Meeus 18, 1050 Brussels