What you need to know
What is VET? A nationally recognised Vocational Certificate. Counts toward VCE Certificate or VCAL Certificate. May contribute to an ATAR Score (Scored Assessed Certificates). Provides strong links to industry and real life job application. Students can attend an external provider e.g. Chisholm or complete the courses offered at St. Peter’s. Courses usually take 2 years to complete.
Score Assessed VET Programs Students receive VCE Units 1-4 sequence Scored Assessment (Study Score) for ATAR Contribution. Score Assessed VET Programs are offered in: - Business- Community Services - Dance- Engineering - Equine- Furnishing - Hospitality- ICT - Integrated Tech- Interactive Media - Sport and Recreation- Music Great as an enhancement study for VCE students
How does is work? Ensure you have all the information on the course you wish to undertake. E.g. Where it is held, associated fees etc Sign up for a VET course through Web Preferences. If you are accepted: Attend TAFE or other course provider 1 day a week. (usually Wednesday or Friday) This means you miss school on this day. Students must catch up on work they miss out on. VCE Students can drop a subject to accommodate for the increased workload of VCE. Internal VET Courses are run as outlined in the curriculum Handbook
Benefits of a VET course? Practical – Hand on learning.. Gain a Nationally recognised Qualification. Contribution towards VCE Unit 1-4 Sequence. Increase ATAR Develop industry links. Employment opportunities. Develops student’s interest area. Time off an apprenticeship (trades).
What VET Courses are there? Arts, Media and Printing - Applied fashion - Dance - Music Production and Performance Building and Construction - Building and Construction - Plumbing - Landscaping - Furniture making
Automotive - Marine Mechanics - Car and Heavy Vehicle mechanics Business / Finance - Small business - Finance Community Services - Aged care - Child Services - Allied health assistant
Electrical - Electrotechnology - Integrated technologies - Computer repair and assembly Hospitality - Kitchen Operations - Patisserie - Tourism and Events Engineering and Science - Engineering studies - Laboratory skills - Carbon Management
Retail - Beauty - Hairdressing - Specialist make up and skin care Sport and Recreation - Outdoor recreation - Sport and Recreation IT - Information Technology (Games Creation) - Information, Digital Media and Technology
Others - Animal studies - Equine studies - Horticulture There are many more that may suit your interest area. Please note: VET Courses incur fees that are additional to SPC Tuition Fees.
St. Peter’s Certificate III in Carbon Management * - Sustainable living and commercial improvements - Scored Assessment (Contribution to ATAR) - Run within normal timetable. Cert III Sport and Recreation * - Sport in the wider community, exploration of recreation activities e.g. surfing, bushwalking, rock climbing etc. - Scored assessment (Contribution to ATAR) - Run within normal timetable Certificate II in Information, Digital Media and Technology - Digital animation, 3D drawings, Game creation - Run within normal timetable *$100 Administration and Materials Fee
Certificate II In Engineering * - Fabrication, Mechanical, Systems, Welding. - Scored Assessment (Contribution to ATAR) - 1 st Year 8am-12pm Mon, 2 nd Year pm Certificate II in Electrotechnology (Pre apprenticeship) * - Electrical career start program - 1 st Year 8am – 12pm Friday, Year pm Friday Certificate II in Building and Construction (Partial Pre apprenticeship) * - Construction of Housing, Carpentry - Only woodwork option for Year 10 West Students - 1 st Year Period 1-5 Wednesday, Year 2 Period 1-5 Friday
Why study a VET Course at St. Peter’s? Heavily subsidised ‐ St. Peter’s endeavours to reduce the cost of Vocational Learning to parents. Extra Support from teaching staff. Less travel and less disruption to the student timetable. St. Peter’s strongly encourages students in Year 10 to undertake either a VET program or a VCE enhancement study to advance their education.
How to sign up? Select the VET Option through WEB Preferences when you know the name and location of the Course you wish to undertake. Mr Brannan, Mrs Dillon, Mrs Cardamone (East) will receive your application and make contact with you regarding your choice. If you need help or more information please see Mr. Brannan (VET Coordinator), Mrs Dillon (Careers Coordinator) or Mrs Cardamone (VET and Careers East Campus).
School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships School Based Apprenticeships (SBA) Allow students to undertake the apprenticeship certificate while completing school Reduce the age that the student completes their apprenticeship Apprenticeship wages paid while completing work placement. Common SBA: Electrical, Building, Mechanical, Plumbing. School Based Traineeships (SBT) Combines work placement with the completion of a VET certificate. Paid trainee wages. Valuable industry experience Common SBT’s: Child Services, Digital Media (Lightmare Program), Applied Health Services, Administration and Business. Animal Companionship, Fitness.