Mark Clampin Observatory Project Scientist Goddard Space Flight Center 217 th American Astronomical Society Meeting JWST Telescope Optics: Progress Report
JWST JWST’s Optical Design ➡ 3 mirror anastigmat ➡ Elliptical f/1.2 Primary Mirror (PM) ➡ Hyperbolic Secondary Mirror (SM) creates f/9 intermediate image (6 DOF) ➡ Elliptical Tertiary Mirror (TM) images pupil at Flat Fine Steering Mirror (FSM) Active Optical System ➡ 18 primary mirror segments ➡ 6 degrees of freedom + ROC ➡ 40 K temperature ➡ Beryllium mirrors ➡ 3 mirror prescriptions
JWST JWST Mirror Fabrication JWST Mirrors made of beryllium Lightweight and stable at 40 K Brush-Wellman Machined & lightweighted by Axsys 92% material is removed Raw Be billet (two mirrors) Primary segment Tertiary Secondary Mirrors polished at Tinsley Segment cryo-figure: 20 nm Ambient Surface Figure Cryo Surface Figure
JWST What is a Flight Mirror ? Primary Mirror Segment Assembly (PMSA) = Mirror + Actuators Front Face Rear Face 6 DOF Actuators Radius of Curvature Actuator + Strongback
JWST Mirror Polishing Performance EDU mirror is designated Pathfinder mirror: ➡ EDU allows timely resolution of processing issues, and optimized processing for flight mirrors EDU Flight mirrors Excellent convergence rate on flight mirrors
JWST Flight Mirror Cryogenic Testing
JWST Flight Mirrors Meeting Specification
JWST Aft-Telescope Optical System
JWST First Gold Coated EDU Primary Mirror
JWST Coating of Flight Mirrors Underway
JWST Gold Coated Mirror Assemblies
JWST Gold Coatings Exceed Requirements
JWST Flight Mirror Cryogenic Testing
JWST Coated Mirror Figures Meet Requirement
JWST Schedule: Acceptance Testing
JWST Predicted Image Quality JWST optics are designed to be diffraction-limited at a wavelength of 2 μm Preliminary simulations of the OTE using A4 flight mirror data as a template for the primary mirror Simulated PSF through NIRCam filters ➡ F444W, F200W, F115W, & F070W ➡ NIRCam pixels are 0.032” (SW) and 0.065” (LW)
JWST Predicted Image Quality: 2 μm & 4 μm
JWST Predicted Image Quality: 0.7 μm & 1 μm
JWST Flight Mirror: Schedule for flight primary mirrors completed w/gold coating ➡ Acceptance testing under way (vibe & optical testing) 13 flight mirrors in final polishing cycle Flight Secondary in final polishing cycle Flight mirror fabrication program will be completed during summer 2011, with delivery of all flight mirrors !
JWST Acknowledgements ➡ Chuck Bowers and Kong Ha ➡ Lee Feinberg and OTE team ➡ at GSFC, BATC, NGAS & QCI