Important Advice: Department of English Language & Literature Professor Aaron Pooley
General advice Class-specific advice How to achieve a high score/grade Before We Begin:
General Advice #1
The syllabus has many pages for a reason. You should keep the syllabus all semester. It also helps you with useful information on how to improve basic English skills. 90% of student questions and complaints can be answered by reading the syllabus. If you lose the syllabus, go to the course homepage. Read the Syllabus.
General Advice #2
You can’t remember everything. Even if something is simple, write it down. Some students take pictures with their phone instead of taking notes. This is not taking notes…it’s taking a picture. If the professor is speaking, you should be listening AND writing. Taking notes is the difference between an A/B grade and C/D/F grades. Take Notes.
General Advice #3
I ask many questions. I ask because I want a discussion… NOT because I don’t know the answer. It’s okay if you’re wrong. Think.
General Advice #4
But be careful. Remember this: NEVER NEVER NAVER. Why? Naver is great for Korean information but not for English. Need Internet help with English? Use Google. ONLY use your dictionary or translator if you have to… I know when you are using KakaoTalk (or other non-class related apps). This is an automatic cut to your participation points. Remember our course syllabus (and other materials) are available on the course homepage. Technology is good.
Use English outside of this class. General Advice #5
If you only speak English in this class… You will probably do poorly (your grade) You will not advance (for your future) Every class will always feel the same!!! (no magic, sorry) Language is more than speaking/reading/listening/writing It’s also about culture It’s about meeting people It’s about conversation Using English.
Be sure to keep up with the textbook listening exercises (this will help make tests easier) Choose your assignment #1 drama series soon—you should be watching 1-2 episodes each week (and don’t forget to take notes about the language used and the cultural information learned) Remember that the conversation questions I give you are a starter—if you need more questions, make your own! Take notes of important vocab and expressions learned. Beginning Communication
Remember that most of the textbook is made up of listening exercises. You should be doing these as ‘self- study’ in your free time. One of the main goals of this course is to move you beyond ‘easy conversation’ and make you comfortable with ‘intelligent and critical conversation’. Write down new vocab and expressions in a notebook. This will make studying for tests much easier. Intermediate Communication
An English literature class needs: Time reading Time thinking Time note-taking on lectures Time discussing, analyzing and responding Don’t be afraid to ask questions. If you don’t understand, let me know. This is not a listening class. It’s a discussion! Children’s Literature