Concentration Camps The chambers, the bodies, the prisoners.
Prisoner forced to stand in one spot for a long period of time as a punishment.
Prisoners standing during Roll Call
Confiscated Hair Brushes
Warehouse overflowing with clothes
Women’s hair, shaved before they were gassed, put in bundles to ship. Over 7,000 kilos were found in Auschwitz at liberation.
More hair, marked and labeled for shipping.
Ruins of a crematorium
Door of a gas chamber in Auschwitz.
Execution Wall
Human remains in a crematorium.
American soldiers executed SS Officers outside of the crematorium.
Prisoner subjected to low-pressure experimentation. The Germans did this to see how high of an altitude the German pilots could go without passing out or having side effects.
Dr. Shilling, here on trial, infected over 1,000 prisoners with Malaria. He was condemned to death and hung. Before he died, he asked if he could finish his experiments and make notes of his observations for the sake of science.
Josef Mengele, German physician and SS captain. In 1943, he was named SS garrison physician of Auschwitz. In that capacity, he was responsible for the differentiation and selection of those fit to work and those destined for gassing. Mengele also carried out human experiments on camp inmates, especially twins.
A war crimes investigation photo of the disfigured leg of a survivor from Ravensbrueck, Polish political prisoner Helena Hegier (Rafalska), who was subjected to medical experiments in This photograph was entered as evidence for the prosecution at the Medical Trial in Nuremberg. The disfiguring scars resulted from incisions made by medical personnel that were purposely infected with bacteria, dirt, and slivers of glass.
Prisoners digging their own graves.
Prisoners being shot.
Civilians being shot into their grave.
Bodies found by Soviet war crimes investigators.
Funeral for prisoners who did not survive before the liberation of Auschwitz.
Children being kept alive in Birkenau are held behind barbed wire fences.
Prisoners greeting liberators.
Ch. 6 reflection Why do you think this was being ignored by the allies for so long? As a Jew and a prisoner, how do you think they felt being liberated? How do you think they felt after they realized the allies had ignored the situation for so long?