Toys for Tots By: Rachel Wall
Toys for Tots is a non-profit organization that collects donated toys to give to families and children in need. Anyone can campaign for Toys for Tots and donate all of their proceeds to these less fortunate families. What is it?
Toys for Tots collects new or gently used toys through October, November, and December every year. You may donate your toys to a nearby organization, or find the address on this site: When does this happen?
Anyone can donate to Toys for Tots. We accept all donations, and any family receiving these gifts will be extremely grateful. Just one simple gift really could change a little kid’s Christmas. Who can donate?
Toys for Tots was created by William L. Hendericks in Him and a group of Marines began collecting extra toys to donate to local families in need. Eventually, this organization spread nationwide, and is now in all 50 states! Who made Toys for Tots?
Toys for Tots is such a life- changing organization. This simple foundation brings the joy of Christmas, love for the holidays, and hope to families who struggle during the holidays. This brings hope to children and teaches them that they are never alone. Who wouldn’t want to help a child in need? Why Toys for Tots?
Make sure to donate your new or gently used toys this upcoming Christmas. Your small donation could change a family’s holiday, and affect a child’s entire outlook on people. Help a family, make a child smile, have a happy holiday! Thank you!