1 The Office of Research CRC Grant Writing Workshop 28 April 2011 W. Ross Ellington, Associate VP for Research & Greenberg Professor of Biological Science
2 Encourage and facilitate our faculty’s efforts to obtain sponsored research funding Provide all the needed support prior to (pre-award) and after (post-award) receipt of external funding Protect and commercialize FSU’s intellectual property. Broaden the awareness of FSU’s research and creative talents locally and beyond Nurture and support research and creative activities across the disciplines (includes internal grant programs [$1.8M], matching for grants, support for core facilities [$300K/yr for the HPC] and start-up share for faculty hires) Mission of the Office of Research
3 Office of Research- Where We Fit In IESESASC NHMFL HPMI FCAAP CAPSFSUCML Leg. Affairs Legal Counsel Human Subjects CommunicationsSRS Tech Transfer LAR FSURF Vice President Research VP Finance SRAS EH&S $ President Research Units FFIFCI
4 Office of the VP for Research 2 nd and 3 rd floors of Westcott North
5 Organization of the Office of the Research Office of the VP for Research (109 Westcott) VP for Research- Kirby Kemper Associate VP- Ross Ellington Assistant VP- Olivia Pope; administration, compliance and finance Assistant VP- John Fraser; tech transfer and intellectual property
6 Organization of the Office of the Research Office of the VP for Research cont. Legal Counsel Federal Relations Information and Publications CRC Staff listing ( )
7 Organization of the Office of the Research Sponsored Research Services (SRS) Sponsored Research Accounting Services (SRAS) 874 Traditions Way; Student Services Bldg
8 Organization of the Office of the Research Sponsored Research Services Greg Thompson, Director Federal and State contracts and grants Handles all pre-award and annual grant increment functions Facilitates submission of proposals Staff are assigned to different funding agencies
9 Organization of the Office of the Research Sponsored Research Accounting Services Pete Derham, Director Federal and State awards Post-award functions Accounting Approves expenditures >$1,000 Compliance with Federal regulations
10 Organization of the Office of the Research FSURF Buildings (SW Campus): FSU Research Foundation, Human Subjects and Technology Transfer
11 Organization of the Office of the Research FSU Research Foundation (Bldg A) Holly Newell, Director/CFO Grants and contracts other than those from Federal and State Agencies Fulfills both pre- and post-award functions Manages a large fund portfolio based on license and other revenues Involved in research building construction and maintenance
12 Organization of the Office of the Research Human Subjects Committee (IRB= Institutional Review Board) (Bldg B) IRB consists of ~20 faculty and several members from the local community Evaluates ~1,200 protocols per year Submission of proposals is electronic Turn-around time is reasonably rapid ~10% exempt; ~40% expedited
13 Organization of the Office of the Research Technology Transfer (Bldg B) Protects intellectual property by evaluating the wording of agreements, contracts and grants Facilitates the filing and protecting of patents Bridges the gap between the bench and the private sector Administers two grant programs- one providing funds for equipment and the other for facilitation of commercialization of IP.
14 Organization of the Office of the Research Other units under the Office of Research National High Magnetic Field Laboratory FSU Coastal and Marine Laboratory (Turkey Point)
15 Organization of the Office of the Research Other units under the Office of Research Center for Advanced Power Systems (CAPS) Applied Superconductivity Center (ASC) Institute for Energy Systems, Economics & Sustainability (IESES) High Performance Materials Institute (HPMI) Florida Center for Advanced Aero-Propulsion (FCAAP)
16 Organization of the Office of the Research Other units under the Office of Research Future Fuels Institute (FFI) Florida Climate Institute (FCI)
17 Organization of the Office of the Research Other units under the Office of Research Laboratory Animal Resources (LAR) IACUC (Inst. Animal Care & Use Committee) BAC (Biomedical Advisory Committee)
18 Summary The Office of Research is here to serve you We are responsive to concerns and criticisms Our funding base is derived from the indirect cost revenues generated by your grants and contracts
19 Schedule for the Workshop 9:05-9:45 Where to Look for Funding (Beth Hodges) 9:45-10:00 Break 10:00 Greetings from Kirby Kemper, VP for Research 10:05 -noon Proposal Development & Submission Procedures (Julie Wammack) Award Process– Negotiation & Acceptance (Russell Lentz) Post Award Activities & Effort Reporting (Roberta McManus) FSU Research Foundation (Holly Newell) Top 10 Things that Can and Do Go Wrong at the Departmental Level (Diana Key) Technical Reports & Wrap Up & Questions (Ross Ellington) Noon-1:00 Lunch and Poster Awards 1:00-2:30 Grants Panel 2:35-3:00 Wrap-up
20 Questions ??