Roman Gods and Goddesses By Vera Mehnert
Jupiter King of the Gods Greek name is Zeus Day of the week is Thursday Relations Son of Saturn Grandson of Uranus Husband of Juno Brother of Neptune and Pluto Brother of Vesta Had many children
Juno Queen of the Gods Greek name is Hera Month is June Relations Wife of Jupiter Mother of Mars Mother of Vulcan Sister-in-law of Vesta
Neptune God of the Sea Greek name is Poseidon Relations Son of Saturn Grandson of Uranus Brother of Jupiter and Pluto Had many children
Pluto God of the dead and wealth Greek name is Hades Relations Son of Saturn Grandson of Uranus Brother of Jupiter and Neptune Husband of Proserpine
Apollo God of the sun Greek name Apollo Day of the week is Sunday Relations Son of Jupiter Brother of Diana
Diana Goddess of the moon Greek name is Artemis Day of the week is Monday Relations Daughter of Jupiter Sister of Apollo
Mars God of war Greek name is Ares Month is March Relations Son of Jupiter Father of Romulus and Remus
Venus Goddess of love Greek name Aphrodite Day of the week is Friday Relations Daughter of Jupiter Mother of Cupid
Cupid God of love Greek name Eros Relations Son of Venus Grandson of Jupiter
Mercury Messenger of the Gods Greek name is Hermes Day of the week is Wednesday. Relations Son of Jupiter Son of Maia
Minerva Goddess of Wisdom, Crafts, and Weaving Greek name is Athena Relations Daughter of Jupiter (Skull)
Ceres Goddess of the Earth Greek name is Demeter Relations Mother of Proserpine Mother-in-law of Pluto
Proserpine Goddess of the Underworld Greek name is Persephone Relations Daughter of Ceres Wife of Pluto
Vulcan The Smith God Greek name is Hephaestus Relations Son of Jupiter Son of Juno Nephew of Vesta
Bacchus God of Wine Greek name Dionysus Relations Son of Jupiter Nephew of Vesta
Saturn God of Time Greek name Kronos Day of the week is Saturday Relations Son of Uranus and Gaia Father of Ceres, Vesta, and Juno Father of Jupiter, Neptune, and Pluto Grandfather of Apollo, Diana, Mars, Mercury, Minerva, Proserpine, Vulcan, Hercules, Venus, Maia, Janus, Venus, Bacchus, Cupid
vesta Goddess of Home Greek name is Hestia Relations Sister of Jupiter, Neptune, and Pluto Aunt of Bacchus Sister-in-law of Juno Daughter of Saturn
Janus God of Doors Month is January Romans created a coin with Janus’ face(s) on it Janus was represented with a double sided head
Uranus God of the sky Greek name is also Uranus Relations Started the world with Terra
Terra Goddess of the Earth Greek name is Gaia Relations Started the World with Uranus
Maia Goddess of Growth Greek name is Month is May Relations Mother of Mercury
Hercules God of Strength Greek name is Heracles
Citations Edkins, Jo. "Roman Gods." Other Sites Index. Jo Edkins, n.d. Web. 6 Nov 2013. <>.