Wave properties Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Unit 7: Waves Wednesday, 1/28 Respond to the following: Think back to the wave article you read after the test. What role did energy play in the article you read? Upcoming dates: Thursday, 2/5 – Waves Quiz Friday, 2/6 – 4SW extra credit due by 4:00 PM Friday, 2/13 – Waves Quiz Friday, 2/13 – End of 4SW Wednesday, 2/18 – Waves Test (5SW)
Elbow partner discussion Discuss the following with your elbow partner: Summarize the article you read. What role did energy and the transfer of energy play in the technology you read about.
Are cell phones safe? Read the article. Mark the text Highlight the words radiation, wave, and sound. Underline at least two interesting sentences. Put a question mark next to information that you question the validity or would like to explore further.
Building common language – wave properties Go to my webpage for today and click the video link. Complete the video notes (you will have 35 minutes to complete). When you have finished video notes Log out of your Chrome book, return it to the cart, and plug it in. Bring your notes to me and I will grade it.
Wave comparison summary