Comparative News Network
The News is Important The results of the media lie – e.g., the death count and cost as result of Iraq war
Meet the news audience! You!
What did you want from the news? The TRUTH!
You receive most of your news from someone else
Reporter? Editor? Corporate Sponsor?
Different Sources give Different Views
… a reporter writes about it, but ONE EVENT can have SEVERAL different stories! When the event happens …
To get closer to the truth to the actual facts of the event You Can …
Like from Google
Who, What, Where, When, How, Why This slide has to be completed Add Bill’s matrix idea
You closer to the truth! All this combined brings …
Analysis component from multiple sources to better explain why. Eventually CNN could have an analysis component …
International News Political News – accountability (could ultimately go into international government/politician comparison) Difference between the government and its citizens What we share Historical piece Compare – CNN to become the single website you go to get comparisons on a variety of issues: electric cars, medical issues, etc, religion, politicians, etc. Planet (water, air, soil) Great Day Waldock pie Life Treasures CNN can also compare …
Greeting, new to CNN Country flags Will have headlines You pick your local (your own country), go to location of event and see local reporters on all sides, readership Tips on how to get the most out of it Underlying things that have to be clear: link to the declaration of CNN’s ethics (what we’re about) All sources and readership … tell how we did it so that we’re clear, trustworthy, transparent We explain what we do (like the powerpoint presentation … could be a video) Several examples of how bad or lack of info can be disasterous (story-telling) … you want to show the loss (verses the gain) because it is more persuasive … if you don’t have the right info it will cost this gov a trillion dollars … etc Home page general flavor must make points that no one can disagree with (family, pride, doing what’s right, includes things no one can argue with, there are a lot of shared global values) Clickable menu for what language do you want it in Map of earth, show images (stars flashing) of what people are using the service (see Facebook) After the analysis, people have the right to write in. Unique insight The first time you go on the computer, one could take a 5-10 question test (with the option to skip the test) to determine if the user is a visible, audible, or text learner Have a cool section that people can read articles by their favorite bands and celebrities When viewing the webpage, you would 1) first have the headlines, 2) the 5-6 news sources that are used in the comparison 3) additional sources (if the reader wants to review), 4) have a forum where readers can input their own news sources on the topic with a rating option on the quality and/or relevance of that input Make it easy to tell someone about how to tell others about the website, "tell all my friends." Home page notes (this slide to be completed)