High school track teams
Why is it important? Promotes a healthier lifestyle to the athletes Helps dedicate them to their sport Makes them feel more confident on and off the field Increases opportunities for college scholarships Helps the team win!
Cost - $ Uses/Benefits: 1. Tracks steps taken in a day 2. Tracks amount of sleep 3. Includes silent alarm to wake you up 4. Tracks the amount of hours you are active 5. Can be purchased at
Fit Bit Software Cost: Included with purchase of FitBit Charge Gives a visual of the exercise/ steps performed in the day Allows you to record the food you eat and relate it to the exercise you completed Gives you a week by week summary of your exercise, food intake, and sleep Can be found at
Exercise Equipment Bowflex Tredclimber Cost: $2,199 Includes the motion of a treadmill, elliptical, and stairmaster Helps train the legs and lowers body fat percentage Helps stimulate hill running for cross country athletes Can help to increase endurance for the runners Can be found at treadclimberus/products/tc10/prdcd~100341/Bowflexreg+T readClimberreg+TC10.jsp?FOLDER%3C%3Efolder_id= &adID=DOFG2TFEED1&gotoproduct=1&sku= &pid=searchhttp:// treadclimberus/products/tc10/prdcd~100341/Bowflexreg+T readClimberreg+TC10.jsp?FOLDER%3C%3Efolder_id= &adID=DOFG2TFEED1&gotoproduct=1&sku= &pid=search
Brooks Track Spike Cost: $110 Has a high arch for good support Can be used for races varying from the 400m to the 1500m Is unisex so it is available to all team members Very light weight making it easier to get from stride to stride Can be found at trackspikes/ html?dwvar_100024_width=D&dwvar_ _color=491#q=spikes&mkwid=sY7rC5tiV&pcrid= &pmt=e&pkw=track+spike&gclid=CKH448Hz- 8MCFZLm7AodqgIAkQ&start=3 trackspikes/ html?dwvar_100024_width=D&dwvar_ _color=491#q=spikes&mkwid=sY7rC5tiV&pcrid= &pmt=e&pkw=track+spike&gclid=CKH448Hz- 8MCFZLm7AodqgIAkQ&start=3
Brooks Distance Running Shoe Cost: $80 Very cheap shoe for distance runners Distance runners have to replace their shoes often. This is a cheap option for them Very light weight Number 1 customer recommended Good for almost any distance running surface Can be found at launch-mens-running- shoes/ html?dwvar_110065_color=041&dwvar_110065_widt h=D#start=1&q=shoes&sz=12&srule=Top-Rated-by- Customer&mkwid=sQDSUG2k8&pcrid= &pmt=b&p kw=%2Bbrooks+%2Bshoes&gclid=CKfauYr2- 8MCFcpZ7Aod1REATA
How they work together Can lead to healthy exercise competition among teammates Athletes can use the Bowflex along with the FitBit to track more activity Athletes will train at the best of their ability with the shoes listed
Scholarships Athletes need to prove to colleges they have what it takes to be on the team Students can get full rides and reduce the cost of school Can lead to students having a better future
Conclusion Students need these to benefit their athletic performance Not only helps with behavior on the track but also with lifestyle behaviors off the track Will help students to be healthy and good sleep can help with school work Good training and good school work can lead to many possibilities with college and having a bright future