 Any harm intentionally or unintentionally done to a child  It can be physical, verbal, or sexual abuse as well as neglect in any area.


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Presentation transcript:

 Any harm intentionally or unintentionally done to a child  It can be physical, verbal, or sexual abuse as well as neglect in any area

 Child neglect is any failure to meet a child’s needs  It can be physical or emotional  It may be intentional or due to lack of parenting skills

 Physical abuse is harm to a child that is intentional  It includes slapping, hitting, kicking, beating, or burning  It can result in bruises, swelling, bleeding or damage of tissues

 Physical neglect is not providing necessary food, clothing, housing or health care  This does not include physical violence but instead come in the form of too little food, letting a child go into the snow with no coat, or leaving a child to care for themselves alone  These actions may lead to accidents or illness

 Physical abuse and neglect can affect a child’s physical growth  It also hurts a child emotionally  Fear becomes a main emotion for children who are physically abused

 Individual characteristics of parents  Substance abuse  Teen parenting 

 Parents emotionally abuse when they belittle or criticize  They may call children lazy, dull, stupid, etc.  Parents may demand more than the child can do  Ex. Expecting a young child to be toilet trained Emotional abuse makes children feel worthless and unloved.

 Emotional neglect is not giving children enough love or attention  They may not hug or touch their child  Children who are emotionally neglected will not feel loved and may suffer from low self esteem

 Children who are emotionally abused may get good physical care  It may be hard to recognize emotional abuse since children will be clothed, fed, and clean  Physical growth may not be harmed but emotionally abused children may have a hard time loving others or trusting others

 Adults who sexually abuse children may force children into sexual acts  Sexual abuse can harm children both physically and emotionally  The emotional damage can last a lifetime

 Emotional immaturity  Parents who were neglected or abused themselves are more likely to abuse their children  Stress  Limited parenting skills

 State and local agencies such as CPS  Child abuse centers or CPS services  The National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect  Teachers and other adults who work with kids are required to report any suspicion of abuse  Counseling may help parents who abuse children