Integrating Blogs into Your Classroom follow along or Independently on your own Jim Jewell, Loma Park I.T.F.
What is Blogging? Web-based publication consisting primarily of periodic articles, most often in reverse chronological order Communication tool that can be dynamic or static in nature Blogging is about reading and writing. Literacy is about reading and writing. Blogging is about literacy.
Educational Blogging Educational Blogging is blogging by students, teachers, administrators, industry experts, and other involved entities that focus primarily on the educational process and educational interests.
Uses for Educational Blogging Dialoguing Teacher and Professional Blogs Classroom or Student Blogs Parent and Teacher Communication Blogs
Dialoguing A teacher blog that posts questions about current subject matter can be a great way to introduce students to responding in writing and contributing collaboratively. For instance, a teacher might ask specific thought- provoking questions about a book the class is reading, and ask for students to respond through the “comments” feature with their ideas. This is often done as a voluntary exercise to help demonstrate the uses of blogs in easy steps.
Teacher or Professional Blogs Teachers can blog for each other about their experiences teaching, their philosophies, and their methodologies. Teachers who do this often go on to becoming professional speakers or imparters of knowledge Jim Moulton, former teacher & trainer, PBL consultant with Apple in the Northeast
Classroom or Student Blogs The providing of each student with an individual blog seems to generate the most significant enthusiasm for blogging among students.** Students who blog have an opportunity to discover the work and joy of communicating their ideas in written form, and then getting feedback from others. Most often public student blogs are done under a nickname and without any personal details, so that the incredible excitement that can come from communicating with a global audience does not place the student in harm's way. **Moderated on a teacher’s site
Parent Teacher Communication Teachers will often start a blog for providing communication to students, parents, or other education stake holders. Posting of Homework & Assignments (for absentees) Posting of Class Rules, Consequences & Syllabi On-going classroom activities drawing the parents into what their children are working on or for students who have been absent. Using the comment feature to ask questions or to gain clarification, where the answer would be of interest to all the readers.
Student Benefits Helps them find a voice Creates enthusiasm for writing Engages students in meaningful dialogue Provides an opportunity to teach about responsible journalism Empowering students Life long writers Becoming a community voice Writing outside of the box
Info Source Video Click Here to watch video (you may have to login to SimpleK12)Here Click Here to watch the YouTube video (from home or outside the District)Here
Create Your Own Blog The bulk of the class will be spent creating your own unique blogs and/or visiting some of the samples below. Sample Blogs for you to visit either in class or when you return home Ms. Cassidy’s Classroom Blog Adventures of an Art Teacher A Year of Reading Its Not All Flowers and Sausages Science Fix Cathy Nelson’s Professional Blog GlobicateMr. Langhorst’s Web Classroom Mr. AbeThe Principal’s Page
Wrapping Up Leaving Comments Moderated Provides an opportunity to teach: Netiquette Journalism Rules Internet Safety UnModerated Not recommended May put your job in jeopardy Blogging, RSS, QR Codes and Parents RSS in Plain English Video (evaluate it yourself) RSS in Plain English Video Blogs in Plain English Video (evaluate it yourself) Blogs in Plain English Video Make QR Codes * to your Blog (outside room-newsletters)QR Codes Questions *SimpleK12/Infosource Webinar