The Building Blocks of Life CELLS The Building Blocks of Life Students will: 1. Use pictures of animal and plant cells to identify the organelles. 2. Compare/Contrast the organelles and structures of plant and animal cells. 3. Understand how living organisms depend on cells to carry out the life functions of: Extracting energy Getting rid of waste Making new materials 4. Understand that organisms could not live without cells Directions: As you travel, take your time and read each slide very carefully to follow directions; but most important, be sure to have FUN! Click on “start” to begin, or “table of contents” to choose a specific slide. START TABLE OF CONTENTS
Table of Contents Home Page Table of contents Animal and plant cell organelles Animal Plant Comparing animal and plant cells Worksheet Worksheet answers How cells keep us alive – Comparison to the human body Nucleus Cell membrane Vacuole Mitochondria/Chloroplast Lysosomes Quiz Question 1 Correct Incorrect Question 2 Question 3 Question 4 Question 5 The End - wrap up and work cited
Click on a picture to review the cell’s organelles and listen to their descriptions ANIMAL CELLS PLANT CELLS After reviewing organelles of the animal cell and plant cell, click here to continue.
Animal Cell Organelles Endoplasmic reticulum Cytoplasm Nucleus and Nucleolus Mitochondria Lysosome Golgi complex Cell membrane Ribosome
Endoplasmic Reticulum Plant Cell Organelles Vacuole Nucleus and Nucleolus Chloroplast Endoplasmic Reticulum Cell Wall Cell Membrane Mitochondria Ribosome Golgi Complex
Comparing Animal and Plant Cell Plant cells have a cell wall, but animal cells do not. Both plant and animal cells have a cell membrane. A diagram is a great way to organize cells with the organelles they have. Click on the printer below to view, print and complete a diagram comparing animal and plant cells. Then, click on the A+ paper to check your answers. Click to play video After completing the worksheet, click here to continue. Animal Ce Vs. Plant Cells
To print: Select file, print, choose current slide and click OK. Lysosomes
Endoplasmic Reticulum Ribosome Vacuole Mitochondria Cell Wall Lysosomes Square shape Round shape Nucleus Nucleolus Cell Membrane Cytoplasm Endoplasmic Reticulum Ribosome Vacuole Mitochondria Cell Wall Chloroplast – The plant organelle which makes photosynthesis possible. Vacuole – much larger in plant cell then in animal cell Mitochondria is the only energy making organelle in the animal cell. Lysosomes
After viewing each organ, click here to continue. Cells and cell organelles keep us alive! Cell organelles can be compared to organs in our own bodies. Would you be able to live without your brain, lungs, stomach, skin or your intestines? Brain Lungs Skin Intestines Stomach Place your mouse over the name of a body organ to read about a cell organelle just like it. After viewing each organ, click here to continue.
Cells and cell organelles keep us alive Cells and cell organelles keep us alive! Cell organelles can be compared to organs in our own bodies. Would you be able to live without your brain, lungs, stomach, skin or your intestines? Cell Membrane Much like skin, the cell membrane is flexible protection allowing only certain things in and out.
Mitochondria and Chloroplasts Cells and cell organelles keep us alive! Cell organelles can be compared to organs in our own bodies. Would you be able to live without your brain, lungs, stomach, skin or your intestines? Mitochondria and Chloroplasts They allow the cell to breathe (respiration) and gives the cell energy, just like our lungs do for us.
Cells and cell organelles keep us alive Cells and cell organelles keep us alive! Cell organelles can be compared to organs in our own bodies. Would you be able to live without your brain, lungs, stomach, skin or your intestines? Nucleus Much like the brain, this is the control center and tells the cell what to do. How else would you know how breathe when you are not “thinking” about it?
Cells and cell organelles keep us alive Cells and cell organelles keep us alive! Cell organelles can be compared to organs in our own bodies. Would you be able to live without your brain, lungs, stomach, skin or your intestines? Vacuole Much like your stomach, the vacuole stores water and other materials for the cell until it is ready to be used.
Cells and cell organelles keep us alive Cells and cell organelles keep us alive! Cell organelles can be compared to organs in our own bodies. Would you be able to live without your brain, lungs, stomach, skin or your intestines? Lysosomes They are only in plant cells, and Much like our intestines, lysosomes break down materials in the cell and get rid of waste.
1. Click on the picture that represents an animal cell. Beginning of Quiz
YES! Think of the cell membrane of an animal call like a plastic bag. It holds everything inside of the cell, yet it is flexible with tiny holes which allow some things to pass in and out. Next
Try again This is a picture of a plant cell. Plant cells are square and rigid with cell walls. Animal cells are round and flexible with NO cell wall. Back to Question
Hint: This is how the cell creates energy 2. Which part of the human body is much like the mitochondria and chloroplast? Hint: This is how the cell creates energy Brain Lungs Stomach Intestines Beginning of Quiz
Mitochondria and Chloroplasts YES! Mitochondria and Chloroplasts Allows the cell to breathe (respiration) and gives the cell energy, just like our lungs do for us. Next
3. Why is the vacuole so much larger in plant cells than in animal cells? It is what makes plants green. B. It holds lots of water for the plant and gives the plant structure. C. Animal cells don’t need a vacuole. D. Vacuoles get rid of waste and plant cells have more waste. Beginning of Quiz
Vacuole does not get rid of waste, the lysosome does Try again Vacuole does not get rid of waste, the lysosome does Lysosomes They are only in plant cells, and Much like our intestines, lysosomes break down materials in the cell and get rid of waste. Back to Question
YES! Animal cells do have vacuoles, but the Vacuole in the plant cell is much larger. It holds water, food and sometimes waste to protect the rest of the cell. The large size of the vacuole also gives the plant its structure, which is why a plant will get droopy if it needs water. Next
4. These images come from the same type of cell, but what kind of cell? Click to choose: Plant Cell Animal Cell Beginning of Quiz
Try again This image is not a picture of animal cells. Animal cells are more round and flexible with thin membranes. Back to Question
YES! This is what onion cells look like under a microscope Click on the picture to watch a video! Next
Hint: This is one way the cell makes new materials 5. Which arrow is pointing to the ROUGH endoplasmic reticulum on this animal cell? Hint: This is one way the cell makes new materials A B Beginning of Quiz
Try again A is pointing to the SMOOTH endoplasmic reticulum. It is considered smooth because it does not have ribosomes attached to it. A B Back to Question
YES! B is pointing to the ROUGH endoplasmic reticulum. You can tell because it has little black dots representing the robosomes that are attached to it. The ribosomes create proteins and the ER processes them. A B Next
THE END Wrap it up: Animal and plant cells have many organelles, some of the same and a few that are different. In any cell, organelles help with basic life functions: making energy (mitochondria and chloroplasts) getting rid of waste (lysosomes) making new materials (ribosomes make proteins) Life CANNOT live without cells or cell organelles! Work Cited Human body image - Plant and Animal cells diagrams - Information for audio clips - Plant cell wall video - Back to Start