Access & Dissemination of Data from the SHS Lisa Taylor SHS Research Officer
Overview Data Access Dissemination How to get results Use of Data
SHS Data Users Range of users & abilities INTERNAL Analytical and policy users EXTERNAL Academic, Local Authority, students Basic requests Semi technical/semi exploratory Technical users/ secondary analysis/statistical modelling
Data Access Publications Website Tables Topic Reports SHS Lite Datasets
How do I get results?
1999/ / /2004 SHS Annual Reports 1999
Annual Reports Scotland’s People: results from the 2003/2004 Scottish Household Survey- August 2005 Who we are- age, sex, marital status, household type, size and composition Where we live- housing tenure, neighbourhoods and local transport, What we do- economic activity, flexi-time, working households, education and training How we live- household and financial resources, health and caring Our Communities- volunteering, convenience of services, recycling
Technical Reports Questionnaire summarised version of CAPI script Methodology Sampling procedures, stratification, selection Fieldwork Outcomes Sample & fieldwork performance, design factors, weighting and data quality
Quarterly Publications Statistical Publication Notice Qtr 1 August, Qtr 2 Nov, Qtr 3 Feb Quarter th February 2006 Key Trends Adults who make personal use of the internet Adults who have given up their time to help as an organiser/volunteer Households where respondent or partner has a bank or building society account Households with individuals who need regular help or care Households with a car available for private use People who hold a full driving licence Employed adults (16+) who work at or from home Employed adults (16+) who do not work at or from home: usual method of travel to work Household tenure Rating of neighbourhood as a place to live
Adults (16+) who make use of the internet for their personal use
Analytical Topic Reports Thematic Policy Focused SHS Funded Externally Commissioned Use SHS data and other data
2004/2005 Topic Reports Published October 2005: -Mode Choice -Accessibility & Transport
Forthcoming Topic Reports 2005/2006 Caring Childcare Long-Distance Commuters
Other Publications Using SHS Data Transport Publications Household Transport: some SHS results (Dec 2005) Transport Across Scotland: some SHS results (biennial Jan 2006) SHS Travel Diary results (March 2005) Bus and Coach Statistics (Feb 2006) Social Focus Reports Scottish Social Statistics (2001) Men & Women in Scotland (2002) Urban/Rural Scotland (2003) Disability (2004) Deprived Areas (2005)
SHS Webtables ‘One stop shop’/data portal National and Local Authority results 1999/2000, 2001/2002, 2003/2004 New for 2003/2004 webtables: Deprivation index Neighbourhood perception Financial inclusion
Why do further analysis on the SHS? To provide a context to primary research at local level To inform the local evidence base In-depth analysis of particular behaviours or household characteristics To test or challenge particular views Is the national picture typical for my Local Authority?
SHS Lite Simplified dataset Summarised complex variables User Guide Data: 1999/2000, 2001/2002, 2003/2004 CD & Guide: On request from SHS Team
SHS DATASETS Main Dataset & Travel Diary Internally via SHS Data Administrator Externally via UKDA SPSS, STATA, tab delimited Exploratory analysis via Nesstar Free for non-commercial use
YearAvailabilityESDS/UKDA REF NO. 1999/2000 Full dataset & lite versions UKDA websiteSN 4351 (FULL) SN 5030 (LITE) 2001/2002 Full dataset & lite versions UKDA websiteSN 4642 (FULL) SN5031 (LITE) 2003/2004 Full dataset and lite versions UKDA websiteSN 5020 (FULL) SN 5261 (LITE) 2005 annual datasetUKDA websiteTBC
Use Of Data By those in the Scottish Executive…………. On-going evidence base use for SPQs to monitor progress towards some of the old Social Justice Milestones analysis relating to older people to monitor some of the Transport Delivery Plan indicators Evidence for Tobacco Control Committee analysis relating to volunteering strategy in Scotland
Data Use by those out with the Scottish Executive……… analysis to understand families and relationships in Scotland, solo living (CRFR, University of Edinburgh) Analysis on social mobility (University of Edinburgh) Health Inequalities research (University of Glasgow) calibration of transport model using travel diary data (Strathclyde Passenger Transport) As a teaching dataset (University of Edinburgh) By Local Authorities for evidence for regeneration outcome agreements Housing need and affordability model for Scotland and many more………….
SHS Data Valuable cross-cutting evidence base Continued & Increased Use Government commitment to evidence-based policy making Requirement for reliable, up-to-date data and analysis to improve the formulation of policy and the delivery of services Tailored to policy need Outcome & Output focus
How do I keep up to date? SHS News Approx every 2 months Key SHS publications Questionnaire developments 2 way communication/dissemination cycle …… We want to hear about your use…….
Contact/Information SHS Team DD/ASD 1F D Tel: /0794 Website: To keep up to date with SHS ‘news’ Register your interest in ‘cross-cutting surveys’/ ‘Populations & Household Surveys’ at: