Care of the Client with Disorders of the Gallbladder ACC RNSG 1247
Gallbladder Disease Two main disorders: Two main disorders: Cholecystitis Cholecystitis Cholelithiasis Cholelithiasis
Risk factors for GB disease Higher in women: multiparous, over 40, on estrogen therapy Higher in women: multiparous, over 40, on estrogen therapy Sedentary lifestyle Sedentary lifestyle Familial tendency Familial tendency Obesity Obesity
Etiology of Cholecystitis Acute : Acute : - Calculous: with stone obstruction - Calculous: with stone obstruction - Acalculous: absence of stones - Acalculous: absence of stones Chronic: Chronic: - Repeated attacks, long standing - Repeated attacks, long standing inflammation inflammation
Pathophysiology of Cholecystitis Obstruction leads to ischemia of GB mucosa or wall Obstruction leads to ischemia of GB mucosa or wall Inflammation may follow: GB is edematous during acute attack or distended with bile or pus Inflammation may follow: GB is edematous during acute attack or distended with bile or pus Cystic duct may be occluded Cystic duct may be occluded GB becomes scarred GB becomes scarred
Clinical Manifestations of Acute Cholecystitis Usually begins with a biliary colic attack Usually begins with a biliary colic attack RUQ pain RUQ pain N/V N/V Usually signs of acute inflammation Usually signs of acute inflammation Possible pus formation gangrenous Possible pus formation gangrenous
Clinical Manifestations of Chronic Cholecystitis Dull ache Dull ache History of fat intolerance History of fat intolerance Dyspepsia Dyspepsia Increased flatulence Increased flatulence
Cholelithiasis Calculi (stones) in the GB Calculi (stones) in the GB May obstruct the cystic or CBD May obstruct the cystic or CBD Choledocholithiasis: stones in the CBD Choledocholithiasis: stones in the CBD Types: Types: Composed primarily of pigment Composed primarily of pigment Composed primarily of cholesterol Composed primarily of cholesterol
Pathophysiology of Cholelithiasis Develops when the balance that keeps cholesterol, bile salts and calcium is altered causing precipitation of these substances Develops when the balance that keeps cholesterol, bile salts and calcium is altered causing precipitation of these substances Conditions affecting balance: infection and altered metabolism of cholesterol Conditions affecting balance: infection and altered metabolism of cholesterol Bile in GB and liver become saturated with cholesterol Bile in GB and liver become saturated with cholesterol
Cholesterol Stones Mixed cholesterol stones are the most common gallstones Mixed cholesterol stones are the most common gallstones 4x more prevalent in women 4x more prevalent in women Formation incidence increased in use of oral contraceptives, estrogens Formation incidence increased in use of oral contraceptives, estrogens
Cholesterol stones 1
Cholesterol stones 2
Pigment Stones Pigment stones – made of other bile components other than cholesterol (bile salts, bilirubin, calcium, protein) Pigment stones – made of other bile components other than cholesterol (bile salts, bilirubin, calcium, protein) Less common than cholesterol stones Less common than cholesterol stones Surgical removal required; undissolvable Surgical removal required; undissolvable Risk is increased in patients with: Risk is increased in patients with: Cirrhosis Cirrhosis Hemolysis Hemolysis Infections of the biliary tree Infections of the biliary tree
Pigment stones
Clinical Manifestations of Cholelithiasis “Silent cholelithiasis” “Silent cholelithiasis” Pain and biliary colic Pain and biliary colic Symptoms related to bile obstruction Symptoms related to bile obstruction such as jaundice, pruritus, changes in such as jaundice, pruritus, changes in color of stool and urine, vitamin deficiency, bleeding, steatorrhea color of stool and urine, vitamin deficiency, bleeding, steatorrhea
Gallstones On this page: What are gallstones? What causes gallstones? Who is at risk for gallstones? What are the symptoms of gallstones? How are gallstones diagnosed? How are gallstones treated? Do people need their gallbladder? Points to Remember
Diagnostic Studies History & physical examination History & physical examination Laboratory tests Laboratory tests * Liver function tests * Liver function tests * WBC count * WBC count * Serum bilirubin * Serum bilirubin * Serum amylase * Serum amylase
Diagnostic Tests Abdominal x-rays Abdominal x-rays Ultrasonography Ultrasonography Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography
Treatment & Nursing Care Acute episodes focus on * pain control – Morphine * pain control – Morphine * antibiotic treatment * antibiotic treatment * fluid & electrolyte balance – IV fluids * fluid & electrolyte balance – IV fluids Gastric decompression – NGT, NPO Anticholinergics - Bentyl
Treatment and Nursing Care Once attack is over maintain on Low fat diet Low fat diet Non-gas forming foods Non-gas forming foods Avoid eggs, whole milk products, cheese, Avoid eggs, whole milk products, cheese, ice cream, fried foods, rich foods, alcohol ice cream, fried foods, rich foods, alcohol Reduced calorie diet if obese Reduced calorie diet if obese
Treatment & Nursing Care: Supportive Drug Therapy * Fat soluble vitamin replacement: A,D,E,K * Fat soluble vitamin replacement: A,D,E,K * Bile salts: Decholin, enhance fat absorption * Bile salts: Decholin, enhance fat absorption * Bile acids: Questran and Cholestid, bind * Bile acids: Questran and Cholestid, bind bile salts and treat pruritus bile salts and treat pruritus
Treatment and Nursing Care: Non Surgical Stone Approaches for Stone Removal * endoscopic sphincterotomy * endoscopic sphincterotomy * mechanical lithotripsy * mechanical lithotripsy * cholesterol solvents * cholesterol solvents * extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy * extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy
Treatment and Nursing Care: Surgical Laparoscopic Cholestectomy Laparoscopic Cholestectomy * treatment of choice * treatment of choice * gallbladder removed through 4 puncture * gallbladder removed through 4 puncture holes holes * minimal postoperative pain * minimal postoperative pain * D/C same or next day * D/C same or next day * CX: injury to CBD * CX: injury to CBD
Treatment and Nursing Care: Surgical Open cholecystectomy Open cholecystectomy * Removal of GB through right subcostal * Removal of GB through right subcostal incision incision * T tube inserted into CBD * T tube inserted into CBD Transhepatic biliary catheter Transhepatic biliary catheter * to decompress obstructed extrahepatic * to decompress obstructed extrahepatic ducts ducts
Laparoscopic vs Open Cholestectomy
T tube
Treatment and Nursing Care: Post Op Pain Control Pain Control Prevent Complications primarily pulmonary Prevent Complications primarily pulmonary Wound Care Wound Care Dietary modification Dietary modification
Gerontologic considerations Gallstones increasingly common Gallstones increasingly common Differing presenting symptoms Differing presenting symptoms Surgical risks due to concurrent conditions Surgical risks due to concurrent conditions Decreased elective surgery and more advanced status at time of surgery Decreased elective surgery and more advanced status at time of surgery Higher risk of complications and shorter hospital stays Higher risk of complications and shorter hospital stays
Gallbladder Cancer Uncommon Uncommon Majority are adenocarcinomas Majority are adenocarcinomas Early symptoms similar to chronic cholecystitis and cholelithiasis Early symptoms similar to chronic cholecystitis and cholelithiasis Later symptoms of biliary obstruction Later symptoms of biliary obstruction Poor prognosis Poor prognosis
Gallbladder Cancer Diagnosis and staging – EUS, transabdominal US, CT, MRI, MRCP Diagnosis and staging – EUS, transabdominal US, CT, MRI, MRCP If found early – surgery is curative If found early – surgery is curative Extended cholestectomy with lymph node dissection – good outcome Extended cholestectomy with lymph node dissection – good outcome Palliative – stenting of biliary tree, radiation, chemotherapy Palliative – stenting of biliary tree, radiation, chemotherapy
Gallbladder Cancer Nursing Management - supportive care Nursing Management - supportive care Nutrition, hydration, skin care, pain relief Nutrition, hydration, skin care, pain relief Similar to care for cholecystitis and cholelithiasis and cancer Similar to care for cholecystitis and cholelithiasis and cancer
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