Today’s Agenda: 8 Bad Listening Habits to Kick How-to ID the Important Stuff Bad habits to break ID-ing the important stuff
Today’s Agenda: 8 Bad Listening Habits to Kick How-to ID the Important Stuff
Today’s Agenda: 8 Bad Listening Habits to Kick How-to ID the Important Stuff This is soo boring. I’m hungry… #1: Calling the Subject Dull Using dry and dusty subject matter as an excuse to let your mind wander
Today’s Agenda: 8 Bad Listening Habits to Kick How-to ID the Important Stuff A yellow shirt? Ugh. Bad choice. #2: Criticizing the Speaker Spending valuable time critiquing the way the speaker looks, acts, and talks.
Today’s Agenda: 8 Bad Listening Habits to Kick How-to ID the Important Stuff #3: Listening Only For Facts Skipping the main ideas and only recording disconnected facts
Today’s Agenda: 8 Bad Listening Habits to Kick How-to ID the Important Stuff #4: Rigidly Outlining Forcing all lectures into an outline, even when the speaker doesn’t present that way
Today’s Agenda: 8 Bad Listening Habits to Kick How-to ID the Important Stuff #5: Faking attention Looking attentive even though your mind is anything but focused OMG! I can’t believe she dumped him! Attention: Collection of tensions that can be resolved only by getting the facts or ideas that the speaker is trying to convey
Today’s Agenda: 8 Bad Listening Habits to Kick How-to ID the Important Stuff #6: Tolerating Distractions Squirming, talking, or shuffling papers in a way that distracts themselves AND their neighbors
Today’s Agenda: 8 Bad Listening Habits to Kick How-to ID the Important Stuff #7: Choosing Only What’s Easy Spending leisure time listening to mindless TV rather than stuff that requires a brain and builds listening skills
Today’s Agenda: 8 Bad Listening Habits to Kick How-to ID the Important Stuff #8: Wasting Difference B/ Speech and Thought Speeds Failing to take advantage of your brain’s ability to move faster than the speaker’s mouth Think 5x faster than Talk 5x slower than
Today’s Agenda: 8 Bad Listening Habits to Kick How-to ID the Important Stuff
Today’s Agenda: 8 Bad Listening Habits to Kick How-to ID the Important Stuff * Repeats the same information * Slows down * Gets louder * Writes on the SmartBoard
Today’s Agenda: 8 Bad Listening Habits to Kick How-to ID the Important Stuff Words and phrase that help listeners understand a lecture
Today’s Agenda: 8 Bad Listening Habits to Kick How-to ID the Important Stuff Today … Our goal is … We’re focusing on… We’ll be looking at…
Today’s Agenda: 8 Bad Listening Habits to Kick How-to ID the Important Stuff There are 3 reasons… Most important... First… Second… Third… I. A. B. II. A. III.
Today’s Agenda: 8 Bad Listening Habits to Kick How-to ID the Important Stuff For example... Because... In order to... Also... I. A. B. C. II. A. III.
Today’s Agenda: 8 Bad Listening Habits to Kick How-to ID the Important Stuff In conclusion... Because... To summarize... From this we see... Signal words give the listener clues about the content of a lecture
Today’s Agenda: 8 Bad Listening Habits to Kick How-to ID the Important Stuff This is important... Remember this... You’re going to see this again...