Building Healthy Children Helping kids make the right choices! Melanie Dotts
Food and Nutrition Eat breakfast Eat a variety of foods Get your nutrition facts straight Learn about calories Drink plenty of water
This is what a healthy eating plate should look like
What fuel does your body need? Proteins Carbs Fats Vitamins Minerals Water
For more information about food & nutrition: Kids Health: Nutrition
Why is staying active important? Stronger muscles and bones Leaner body (helps control body fat) Less likely to become overweight Decreased risk of developing diabetes Have a better outlook on life
Why should you exercise? Makes you feel fit, strong, & healthy Relaxes you Helps you sleep better Gives you energy Helps you look great Helps release anger or bad feelings
How can I be fit but still have fun? Participate in sports Play outside with friends Play at a playground Dance around your bedroom Walk the dog Work in the garden Wash the car Make a snowman Who says being active can’t be fun ?
Stamina The ability of your body to continue fitness activities for a long time.
Strength and Power Aerobic activities increase your strength and power and build up your muscles.
Flexibility Your body is able to go through it’s regular movements without any pain.
For more information about exercise: Kids Health: Exercise
Be good to your body! Keep up with shots and vaccinations Brush your teeth everyday Take care of your ears and skin Get a good night’s sleep
What is posture? The position in which you hold your body and limbs when: Standing Sitting Lying down
Having good posture means: Your bones and joints are in line You don’t get tired as quickly You don’t get pain in your back
Regular exercise like walking, running, cycling, or playing different sports will help keep your back strong!
Be aware of any allergies you may have! Lots of kids have food allergies These foods cause the most food allergies: Peanuts and other nuts Seafood (such as shrimp) Milk Eggs Soy Wheat
What happens if you are allergic to some food? A rash may occur around your mouth You could get hives You could feel really sick Your mouth and throat could swell You could get really wheezy
Call for help Send for help What should I do in an emergency?
For more information about safety and first aid: Kids Health: Safety and First Aid
Happiness plays a large role in having good health!
Building happiness to your life: Spend time with family Listen to music Get involved in activities Put away put-downs Find passion in something Love pets and animals Be a good friend Stay fit and healthy Make the most of yourself