Essential Nutrient Lily Liu Computers 8
Carbohydrate(carb) Provides energy Types: simple carb(sugar) complex carb(starches) Form glucose when digested Likely to feel hungry again Found in grains, vegetables, fruits, etc.
Fats Builds body tissue Types: Unsaturated fat(good for health) Saturated fat(causes heart disease) Trans fat(found in margarine) Should take 67 grams(600 calories) of fat Too much fats causes diseases and cancer From dairy, meat, vegetable oil, etc.
Protein Builds, maintains, and replaces tissue in body Types: Animal protein(contains all amino acid) Plant protein(contains some amino acid) Made of amino acids Should take 15% daily From meat, dairy, vegetables, grains, etc.
Fibre Helps digestive system to function Types: Insoluble fibre(doesn’t dissolve in water) Soluble fibre(dissolves in water) The not fully digested part Controls appetite From grains, vegetables, fruits, etc.
Vitamins Develop body to grow Types: Fat-soluble Vitamin(stored in body) Water-soluble Vitamin(can’t be stored) Plenty of foods naturally contain vitamins Can’t be eliminated after taken too much From meat, grains, vegetables, sugary foods, etc.
Minerals Helps body to develop and stay healthy Types: Macro minerals(body needs a lot) Trace minerals(body needs some) Helps vitamins to work Lack of minerals leads to health problems From vegetables, dairy, meat, fruits, etc.
Water Keeps cells and body functions in work Improves muscle tone 60% of body weight is water In all the systems in body From food, drinks, metabolism, etc.
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