Taelar Shelton, MS, ATC, AT/L
Contusion MOI: direct blow S&S: Discoloration, severe pain, loss of movement/function, inflammation Can be a bone contusion or a muscle contusion RICE Depending on severity, referral?
Bursitis What is a bursa? Inflammation of the bursa in the knee Acute vs Chronic Baker’s cyst S&S: Inflamed, pain Treatment: Rest, ice, aspiration or injections
Medial Collateral Ligament injuries 3 degrees MOI: Valgus stress, direct blow to lateral side, twist S&S: Pain, laxity Tests: positive valgus stress test Treatment: RICE, immobilize
Lateral knee injuries LCL and lateral joint capsule sprain MOI: Varus stress, twist, direct blow to medial side S&S: Pain, swelling, loss of function Rx: RICE, immobilize
ACL Injuries MOI: Hyperextension, plant and twist Grades 1-3 S&S: swelling, pain, loss of function, shifting, discoloration Tests: Lachman’s and anterior drawer Treatment: RICE, immobilize, referral for MRI May require surgery
PCL MOI: Dashboard injury, falling on flexed knee S&S: pop in the back of the knee, pain in the posterior aspect of the knee, shifting, swelling Tests: posterior drawer, sag sign Treatment: RICE, immobilize, referral
Meniscal Lesions MOI: cutting and squatting Medial meniscus is more common S&S: Pain, loss of function, unable to fully flex or extend, pop, “giving out”, pain with squatting Treatment: surgery or rehab
Plica MOI: synovial cavity didn’t get fully absorbed after birth Usually on the medial side Can become irritated and thicken Can have surgery to remove the plica
Fat pad injury MOI: fat pad becomes wedged between tibia and patella Usually from a direct blow or chronic knee injury