457 Fighter Squadron Local Area Flight Procedures During AFW Operations August 1 thru September 5, 2013 Prepared for Hicks Airfield
Overview F-16s operating out of AFW from 1 Aug – 5 Sep while NFW runway is under construction Fly windows Approximately 1100L L // 1500 – Departures and recoveries during this time. Minimal time spent in AFW pattern. “One to a full stop”. Will be traveling to and from training airspace not beating up the pattern at AFW. Bottom line: Expect increase in F16 traffic operating in and around AFW during the month of August
Notes Will be transitioning East to West and West to East at 3000 MSL near Hicks Airfield (diagram to follow) 2 ship or 4 ship formations Traffic Deconfliction – AFW tower and regional departure will point out “primary” radar contacts to us. – We always use VFR flight following if VMC – F16s will exercise visual clearing while coming and going (VFR departures and recoveries) – F16s do not have TCAS
301 FW / AFW Local Area Hicks Patt alt 1,500’ No tower Meacham Class D SFC – 3,200
VFR Departure DME
RWY HDG 2 DME / 2500’MSL RWY HDG 2 DME /3000’MSL VFR Departures Maintain 3000’ Hicks
“3 mile initial” 2500’MSL “3 mile initial” 2500’MSL VFR Recovery Hicks