LIGHTHOUSE – Maritime Energy Efficiency Professor Karin Andersson.


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Presentation transcript:

LIGHTHOUSE – Maritime Energy Efficiency Professor Karin Andersson

CHALLENGES TO SHIPPING INTERNATIONALLY The international community has committed to work together to “prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system”; The Copenhagen Accord and Cancun Agreements define a warming of 2°C as the appropriate threshold between acceptable and dangerous climate change; 141 global nations (representing ~90% of total global emissions) have either signed or expressed their intention to be listed as agreeing to the Copenhagen Accord; SHIPPING SECTOR The IMO has announced that the shipping industry “will make its fair and proportionate contribution” to meet internationally agreed levels of mitigation; The ICS reiterates how the industry’s mitigation “must be proportionate to shipping’s share of global emissions”; The ICS and IMO argue for there to be a “special global regime for shipping” whereby it be subject to regulation as if it were a sovereign nation; The ICS declare that mitigation from the sovereign nation of shipping will “be at least as ambitious” as those agreed under the UNFCCC. Anderson, K, Bowes, A, Carbon Management (2012) 3(6),615–628

5.1 Maritime CO2 emissions are projected to increase significantly in the coming decades. ……..Further action on efficiency and emissions can mitigate the emissions growth, although all scenarios but one project emissions in 2050 to be higher than in Emissions projections demonstrate that improvements in efficiency are important in mitigating emissions increase. However, even modelled improvements with the greatest energy savings could not yield a downward trend. ……changes in the fuel mix have a limited impact on GHG emissions, assuming that fossil fuels remain dominant. Smith, T et al, REDUCTION OF GHG EMISSIONS FROM SHIPS. Third IMO GHG study IN RELATION TO GHG SCENARIOS


STRATEGIES FOR GHG EMISSION REDUCTION Saving fuel/energy –Energy efficiency technology –Energy management –Route planning –Logistics –Ecodriving –Waste heat recovery –... Change of fuel –Renewable fuel Biofuels CO 2 based fuels/Electrofuels –Electricity –Nuclear Technology change –Other engine type – gas turbines, electrical, fuel cell –Combustion technology Combustion chamber and fuel mix control –Wind propulsion –Ship/hull design –Propeller design –….. “End of pipe solutions” –CCR?

Technical measures to increase energy efficiency, adapted from Fabet et al. (2011)

Thus: ENERGY EFFICIENCY Is a large area with many possibilities that contribute to less GHG although Energy efficiency cannot solve the GHG challenge alone – fuel change is also needed

LIGHTHOUSE ENERGY EFFICIENCY PROGRAMME Better practice Assessment methods Innovative measures “The main goal is to contribute to groundbreaking changes in the way ships are designed, procured and operated in the Swedish maritime sector.”

Energy efficiency measures –Air cavity systems –Light-weight –(Propellers) –Waste heat recovery –Hull performance Energy efficiency in practice –Energy management practice and systems –Crew involvement/motivation –Operational performance monitoring Models and assessment tools –Energy-exergy analysis –Hull-propeller interaction –Machine-propeller interaction –Routing models –Ship-wave interaction –Generic system models – Chartering decision-making –Design for operational profile Policy and regulation –EEDI, SEEMP, MRV etc. (IMO and EU) – evaluation, roles in regulation work –Energy efficiency indicators MARITIME ENERGY EFFICIENCY AS A RESEARCH FIELD, some examples of areas in progress or easy to start

Some areas where research is lacking: Systems aspects Systems engineering perspective Multicriteria assessment/Environmental assessments/LCA (not only carbon footprint) Interdisciplinary and case studies Field/case studies – Technical as well as attitudes etc Inter disciplinary studies – engineering vs environmental, social science etc Human behaviour and acceptance of energy efficiency Management and stakeholders Shipping as a part of logistics chain Contract structures Involvement of cargo owners and consumers Regulatory framework Making policies and regulations vs reserach

Performance monitoring –Sensors, measurement accuracy/errors, modelling, data treatment and statistics –Need for decision support for operation on land and on board Better modelling of operation and prediction of performance. For example for decision support in contracts WHR (ORC) related to different operational profiles, “slow steaming”, change of profile Ship design and purchase – how is an energy efficient ship designed, ordered, built, financed? Fouling related to resistance – biological knowledge related to resistance and removal of fouling Education – for operation and design of energy efficient ships - POSSIBLE COMING PROJECTS?

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