Are we good neighbours? Exploring whether evangelicals really love their neighbours August 2014 Part of the 21st Century Evangelicals research series
Are we good neighbours? –a third actively campaign on social justice issues –43% sponsor a child in a less developed country –almost half regularly pray with others for international issues Evangelicals recognise that they have neighbours across the world
Are we good neighbours? Looking out for strangers? –almost half recall doing an act of kindness for a stranger in the last week –but a quarter regret not helping someone they saw in need in the last seven days
–two-thirds agree “people in the UK are not such good neighbours as they used to be” –most think that, despite our busy lives, it is reasonable to expect we would know our neighbours Are we good neighbours? Should we know our next-door neighbours?
–more than a quarter regularly support a neighbour who is in need (the same as the national average) –very few would turn to a neighbour first for advice –45% prayed for their neighbour in the last week Are we good neighbours? Do we know our next-door neighbours?
Sharing our faith? –almost two-thirds made it clear to a neighbour in the last three months that they are a committed Christianity –80% said their Christian faith was the most important aspect of their identity Are we good neighbours?
–40% have lived in their community for more than 20 years –a huge 91% say they vote in local elections –more than a third regularly pray with others for their local community Are we good neighbours? Do we care about our local communities?
–churches are running a huge range of activities in the community, often partnering with other churches –most people are involved in a church-run social action project Are we good neighbours? Is the Church involved in the neighbourhood?
Time to consider… -Do I look out for ways to be a blessing to strangers? -How can I get to know my next-door neighbours more? -Am I involved in my local community? -How can our church encourage people to be good neighbours?
Visit to: - download the report and discussion questions -order paper copies -join the panel to have your say