Case Study Methodology & e-Learning: Reflections on Evaluation Activities for Blended Modules Richard Walker & Wendy Fountain University of York
Starting late Late, phased roll-out of VLE Currently entering 3rd phase –1 st round ca. 20 pilot projects –2 nd round ca. 40 pilot projects Project Timeline
Drivers for e-learning Enhancement of student learning experience through blended learning Promotion of active student learning –skills development, personalised learning pathways, collaboration Transformation of academic practice –student-focused course design –sharing & collaborative development of learning and teaching resources
Rationale for case study research evaluation Interpretive research agenda: focusing on student perceptions of their learning experience Experiences of actors are important, the context of action is critical Holistic & multi-dimensional picture of a real life context “to understand phenomena through accessing the meanings participants assign to them” (Orlikowski & Baroudi, 1991)
Key research questions What are the students’ affective and attitudinal responses to the blended course experience? How are the e-learning tools used by students to support their learning in formal/informal study activities? How did the lecturer/tutor perceive students’ learning relative to previous performance? (What actions are to be taken for future course development?)
Data collection methods (Informal progress checks) Entry survey Staff interview Focus group interviews Exit survey Activity logs
Selecting the case studies Based on the completeness of data; innovation and transferability of approach; richness of experience Two stage collaborative process: after preparing draft, it is verified and expanded by lecturer/tutor e.g. outcomes and actions for the future
Case study template Overview Background Description of approach Learning activities & tools Student profile –Experience with computers –Experience with computers for learning –Expectations towards the VLE Outcomes of the pilot –Activity statistics –Focus group feedback –Exit survey feedback –Instructor and tutors’ feedback –Student skills required & developed –Staff skills required & developed Actions for further development
Communicating the research Target an audience of practitioners: dissemination and application a priority, reinforced in f2f gatherings Are presented in a ‘ whole course ’ context with course artefacts such as module site and resources available to explore Inform training activities, informally and formally in a virtuous cycle The case studies:
Lessons learned Not e-benchmarking: an attempt to embed e-learning evaluation But challenges will arise: sustainability of data collection methods & volume of modules Survey fatigue and cross- referencing between entry and exit survey results Visibility of student learning: access to focus groups
Concluding observations Case study research helps us to identify generalisable features of learning experience (adoption trends; characteristics of the student population) Complementing interpretive research agenda & focus on student-centred learning Contributing to evolving framework of instructional responsibilities (course design & delivery methods)