MyFloridaMarketPlace Roundtable March 4, :00 a.m. – 11:59 a.m.
2 Welcome PO Buyer Messages Rules to Administer MyFloridaMarketPlace Future Topics Next Meeting Location/Time 3/4 Roundtable Agenda
3 Welcome PO Buyer Messages Rules to Administer MyFloridaMarketPlace Future Topics Next Meeting Location/Time 3/4 Roundtable Agenda
4 Section (23)(b), F.S. Requirements and qualification criteria for pre-qualifying vendors Procedures for conducting on-line procurement Criteria for eligible commodities and contractual services Procedures for providing access to on-line procurement Criteria warranting any exceptions to participation in program MyFloridaMarketPlace Rules to Administer System
5 MyFloridaMarketPlace Use of System Rule Components Key Rule Components Agencies will include 1% fee terms and conditions in all solicitations and agreements effective July 1 Vendors must be registered in MyFloridaMarketPlace in order to respond to solicitations or enter into new agreements effective July 1 Framework for defining exceptions to the 1% fee (early DRAFT)
6 MyFloridaMarketPlace Use of System Rule Exception Criteria Suggested Rule Exception Criteria Framework for defining exceptions to the 1% fee (early DRAFT) Exempt direct beneficiaries (i.e. citizens) of health and welfare programs Qualifying Examples:Foster care services, family placement services Non-qualifying Example:Claims processing services Exempt government-to-government transactions Qualifying Examples:Inter-agency purchases, inter-state purchases Non-qualifying Example:Agency purchases from not-for-profits Exempt pass-through grant activity Qualifying Example:Agency payments funding research grants Non-qualifying Example:Agency payments spending research dollars Exempt regulated utilities Qualifying Examples:Electricity, water Non-qualifying Example:Local or long distance telecommunications
7 Welcome PO Buyer Messages Rules to Administer MyFloridaMarketPlace Future Topics Next Meeting Location/Time 3/4 Roundtable Agenda
8 Future Topics Contracts Tracking2/25 Integration with FLAIR2/25 Purchasing Agent Messages3/4 Changes to Policy/Rules3/4, 3/11 Fee3/4, 3/11 Vendor Registration3/11 Agency Technical Preparedness/Networking Training Agency Rollout Schedule User Acceptance Testing Security Administration Reluctant Vendor Policy
9 Welcome PO Buyer Messages Rules to Administer MyFloridaMarketPlace Future Topics Next Meeting Location/Time 3/4 Roundtable Agenda
10 Questions?? Next Meeting: Tuesday, 3/11 Location to be sent via